Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 115.2:P 94/ Progress report 1
A 138:32 List of technical workers in the Department of Agriculture, and outline of department functions, 1928 / 1
A 159:101 Pitch in and help! : the Women's Land Army calls 800,000 to the farm in 1944. 1
A202-1 Use of annual appropriations 1
A202-2 Regulations governing financial transactions with U.S. Department of Agriculture, together with extracts from Revised Statutes, decisions of Comptrollers, etc. 1
A202-3.1 Fiscal regulations of U.S. Department of Agriculture, together with extracts from Revised Statutes, decisions of courts, rulings of Comptrollers, opinions of Attorneys-General, etc. 1
A202-3.2 Fiscal regulations of U.S. Department of Agriculture (revised edition), together with extracts from Revised Statutes, decisions of courts, rulings of Comptrollers, opinions of Attorneys-General, etc. 1
A202-3.3 Fiscal regulations of U.S. Department of Agriculture, revised edition, effective Aug. 1, 1904 1
A202-3.4 Fiscal regulations of U.S. Department of Agriculture, revised edition, effective Oct. 1, 1907 1
A202-4 Contract prices for supplies for Forest Service supply depot, Ogden, Utah, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1910 1
A202-5 [Circular letter relating to pay regulations for Department of Agriculture] 1
A205-1 Expenditures of Department of Agriculture for fiscal year ended June 30, 1906 1
A303-1 Notes on grasses and forage plants of Southeastern States 1
A303-2.1 Fodder and forage plants exclusive of grasses 1
A303-2.2 Fodder and forage plants exclusive of grasses 1
A303-3 Grass and forage plant investigations useful and ornamental grasses. 1
A303-4 Grass and forage plant investigations studies on American grasses. 1
A303-5 Grass and forage plant investigations report upon grasses and forage plants of Rocky Mountain region. 1
A303-6 Grass and forage plant investigations grasses and forage plants of Dakotas. 1
A303-7.1 Grass and forage plant investigations American grasses (illustrated) 1