Call Number (LC) Title Results
A2804-14 [Survey form on grain rusts and request for samples] 1
A2804-15 Treatment for sooty mold of orange 1
A2804-16 Danger of introducing Central American coffee disease into Hawaii 1
A2804-17 New spraying devices 1
A2804-18 New wheat industry for semiarid West 1
A2805-1 Journal of mycology Devoted to study of fungi, especially in their relation to plant diseases. 1
A2805-2 Journal of mycology Devoted especially to study of fungi in their relation to plant diseases. 1
A2805-3 Journal of mycology Devoted especially to study of fungi in their relation to plant diseases. 1
A2902-2 Some climatic features of arid regions; communicated to National Irrigation Congress at its 5th annual session, Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 15-17, 1896 1
A2902-3 Atmospheric circulation in tropical cyclones, as shown by movements of clouds 1
A2902-4 U.S. daily atmospheric survey 1
A2902-5 Brazos River flood bulletin 1
A2902-7 Cipher code for wind signal orders, amending instructions to special displaymen 1
A2902-9.2 Climatic charts of U.S. 1
A2902-10 Manual for observers in climatology and evaporation 1
A2902-11.5 Description of cloud forms 1
A2902-13 Development and movement of cyclones, as shown in morning and evening weather maps, Apr. 2-6, 1892 1
A2902-14 Forecaster and newspaper; read before convention of Weather Bureau officials, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 27-29/01 1
A2902-15 [Letter warning against long-range weather forecasts as inaccurate and likely to be injurious] 1
A2902-16 Injury from frost and methods of protection 1