Call Number (LC) Title Results
A29.2-91.2 Weather Bureau. 1
A29.2-91.3 Weather Bureau. 1
A29.2-91.4 Weather Bureau. 1
A29.2-94 Weather code for West Indian and Caribbean Sea observers. 1
A29.2-95 Wind-barometer table. 1
A 29.2:Ad 28 Notice. 1
A 29.2:Ae 8 Aerological code. 1
A 29.2:Ae 8/2 Aerological code (pilot balloons) 1
A 29.2:Al 1/sec.1 Summary of climatological data for Alaska, by sections : Section 1. Southern and southeastern Alaska. 1
A 29.2:Al 1/sec.2 Summary of climatological data for Alaska, by sections : Section 2. Interior valleys of Alaska. 1
A 29.2:Al 1/sec.3 Summary of climatological data for Alaska, by sections : Section 3. Western and northern Alaska. 1
A 29.2:Ar 4 Some climatic features of arid regions; communicated to National Irrigation Congress at its 5th annual session, Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 15-17, 1896
Some climatic features of arid regions : communicated to the National Irrigation Congress at its fifth annual session, Phœnix, Arizona, December 15-17, 1896 /
A 29.2:At 6/1 Atmospheric circulation in tropical cyclones, as shown by movements of clouds 2
A 29.2:At 6/2 U.S. daily atmospheric survey 2
A 29.2:Av 5/2 Aviation forecast zones. 1
A 29.2:B 21 Tables for computing horizontal distance of pilot balloons / 1
A 29.2:B 73 Brazos River flood bulletin 2
A 29.2:C 11/938 Cloud forms according to the international system of classification / 1
A 29.2:C 12/3 Let us simplify our calendar and publish statistical data in standardized summaries; comments at meeting of International Geodetic and Geophysical Union, Madrid, Spain, Oct. 1924. 1
A 29.2:C 49 Cipher code for wind signal orders, amending instructions to special displaymen 2