Call Number (LC) Title Results
A55.6..P29_940-2 1940 parity payment regulations. 1
A55.6..P31_ser.1_no.1 Peanut regulations made by the Secretary of Agriculture with the approval of the President under the agricultural adjustment act : Marketing year, rate of processing tax, definitions, and conversion factors with respect to peanuts. 1
A55.6..P84 Instructions pertaining to potato sales allotments for 1936. 1
A55.6..P84_2_ser.3_no.1 Potato import quota regulations made by Secretary of Agriculture under Potato Act of 1935. 1
A55.6..P93 Regulations pertaining to 1939 price adjustment payment program for producers of wheat, cotton, corn (in commercial corn-producing area), rice, and tobacco. 1
A55.6..P93_939-2 Regulations pertaining to 1939 price adjustment payment program for producers of wheat, cotton, corn (in commercial corn-℗Ưproducing area), rice, and tobacco, revised. 1
A 55.6:R 32 Regulations governing (A) applications and hearings under Sec. 363 of Title 3 of Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 relating to administrative review of marketing quotas for tobacco, corn, wheat, cotton, and rice established under said title and (B) publication and notice of such quotas under Sec. 362 of said act (Public No. 430, 75th Congress, 52 Stat. 31, as amended) 1
A 55.6:R 36/ser.1/no.1 Rice regulations made by Secretary of Agriculture with approval of the President under Agricultural Adjustment Act : marketing year, rate of processing tax, definitions, and conversion factors. 1
A 55.6:R 36/ser.1/no.2 Rice regulations made by Secretary of Agriculture with approval of the President under agricultural adjustment act : marketing year, rate of processing tax, definitions, and conversion factors. 1
A 55.6:R 98/2 Rye administrative rulings, series of 1936-39, relating to 1936-39 rye adjustment contracts : Rulings Nos. 1-27. 1
A 55.6:R 98/2/amdt.1 Amendment 1 to Rye administrative rulings : Ruling No. 28, individual adjustment of average annual rye acreage and average annual rye production within counties. 1
A 55.6:R 98/ser.1/no.1 Rye regulations made by Secretary of Agriculture with approval of the President under Agricultural Adjustment Act : marketing year, rate of processing tax, definitions, and conversion factors. 1
A55.6..R32 Regulations governing (A) applications and hearings under Sec. 363 of Title 3 of Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 relating to administrative review of marketing quotas for tobacco, corn, wheat, cotton, and rice established under said title and (B) publication and notice of such quotas under Sec. 362 of said act (Public No. 430, 75th Congress, 52 Stat. 31, as amended) 1
A55.6..R36_ser.1_no.1 Rice regulations made by Secretary of Agriculture with approval of the President under Agricultural Adjustment Act : marketing year, rate of processing tax, definitions, and conversion factors. 1
A55.6..R36_ser.1_no.2 Rice regulations made by Secretary of Agriculture with approval of the President under agricultural adjustment act : marketing year, rate of processing tax, definitions, and conversion factors. 1
A55.6..R98_2 Rye administrative rulings, series of 1936-39, relating to 1936-39 rye adjustment contracts : Rulings Nos. 1-27. 1
A55.6..R98_2_amdt.1 Amendment 1 to Rye administrative rulings : Ruling No. 28, individual adjustment of average annual rye acreage and average annual rye production within counties. 1
A55.6..R98_ser.1_no.1 Rye regulations made by Secretary of Agriculture with approval of the President under Agricultural Adjustment Act : marketing year, rate of processing tax, definitions, and conversion factors. 1
A55.6..Si7_ser.1_no.1 1936 quotas for sirups and sugar mixtures. 1
A55.6..Si7_ser.1_no.2 Exemption of certain types of sirups and sugar mixtures. 1