Call Number (LC) Title Results
A703-76 Insecticides studies I. Pyrethrum powders containing poisonous metals; II. Compilation of analyses on insecticides and fungicides; III. State laws governing composition and sale of insecticides. 1
A703-77.1 Olive oil and its substitutes 1
A703-77.2 Olive oil and its substitutes 1
A703-78 Influence of environment upon composition of sugar beet, 1902, including study of irrigated sections 1
A703-79 Testing of road materials, including methods used and results obtained in road material laboratory 1
A703-80.1 Adulterated drugs and chemicals I. Inferior drugs and insidious methods of deception; II. Rose geranium oil and its substitutes; II. Phenacetin, methods of analysis and commercial status. 1
A703-81 Proceedings of 20th annual convention of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at Washington, D.C., Nov. 19-21, 1903 1
A703-82 Paris green spraying experiments 1
A703-83.1 Foods and food control I. Legislation during year ended July 1, 1903. 1
A703-83.2 Foods and food control II. Legislation during year ended July 1, 1904. 1
A703-84.1 Influence of food preservatives and artificial colors on digestion and health I. Boric acid and borax. 1
A703-84.2 Influence of food preservatives and artificial colors on digestion and health II. Salicylic acid and salicylates. 1
A703-84.3 Influence of food preservatives and artificial colors on digestion and health III. Sulphurous acid and sulphites. 1
A703-84.4 Influence of food preservatives and artificial colors on digestion and health IV. Benzoic acid and benzoates. 1
A703-84.5 Influence of food preservatives and artificial colors on digestion and health V. Formaldehyde. 1
A703-85 Cementing power of road materials 1
A703-86 Arsenic in papers and fabrics 1
A703-87 Chemical composition of some tropical fruits and their products I. Study of Cuban fruits; II. Composition of fresh and canned pineapples. 1
A703-88 Chemical composition of apples and cider I. Composition of apples in relation to cider and vinegar production; II. Composition of cider as determined by dominant fermentation with pure yeasts. 1
A703-89 Injury to vegetation by smelter fumes 1