Call Number (LC) Title Results
A703-90 Proceedings of 21st annual convention of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 26-28, 1904 1
A703-91.1 Mineral waters of U.S. I. Classification and methods of analysis; II. Commercial waters; III. Saratoga waters sampled at source. 1
A703-92 Effect of water on rock powders 1
A703-93 Experiments in culture of sugar cane and its manufacture into table sirup report on investigationsconducted at Waycross and Cairo, Ga., in 1903 and 1904. 1
A703-94 Studies on apples I. Storage, restoration, and growth; II. Insoluble carbohydrates or marc; III. Microscopic and macroscopic examinations of apple starch. 1
A703-95 Influence of environment upon composition of sugar beet, 1903 1
A703-96 Influence of environment on composition of sugar beet, 1904, together with summary of 5-year investigation 1
A703-97 Studies on peaches I. Compiled analyses of peaches; II. Changes in chemical composition of peach during growth and ripening; III. Effect of storage on composition of peaches. 1
A703-98.1 Drug legislation in U.S. 1
A703-98.2 Drug legislation in U.S. 1
A703-99 Proceedings of 22nd annual convention of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at Washington, D.C., Nov. 16-18, 1905 1
A703-100 Some forms of food adulteration and simple methods for their detection 1
A703-101 Lime-sulphur-salt wash and its substitutes 1
A703-102 Foreign trade practises in manufacture and exportation of alcoholic beverages and canned goods, summary of investigation in Great Britain and Ireland, Germany, and France 1
A703-103 Experimental work in production of table sirup at Waycross, Ga., 1905, together with summary of 4-year experiment on fertilization of sugar cane 1
A703-104 Food legislation during year ended June 30, 1906 1
A703-105 Proceedings of 23rd annual convention of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at Washington, D.C., Nov. 14-16, 1906 1
A703-106 Cassava its content of hydrocyanic acid and starch and other properties. 1
A703-107.1 Official and provisional methods of analysis, Association of Official Agricultural Chemists 1
A703-107.2 Official and provisional methods of analysis, Association of Official Agricultural Chemists 1