Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
A 9.5:104 |
The common red spider. : (Tetranychus bimaculatus Harvey) / Common red spider (Tetranychus bimaculatus Harvey) |
3 |
A 9.5:105 |
Rose slugs The rose slugs / |
3 |
A 9.5:106 |
Wheat strawworm (Isosoma grande Riley) The wheat strawworm. : (Isosoma grande Riley.) / |
3 |
A 9.5:107 |
What can be done in destroying cotton boll weevil during winter What can be done in destroying the cotton boll weevil during the winter / |
3 |
A 9.5:108 |
House fleas House fleas / |
3 |
A 9.5:109 |
Leopard moth (Zeuzera pyrina Fab.) The leopard moth. : (Zeuzera pyrina Fab.) / |
3 |
A 9.5:110 |
Green-striped maple worm (Anisota rubicunda Fab.) The green-striped maple worm. : (Anisota rubicunda Fab.) / |
3 |
A 9.5:111 |
Preparations for winter fumigation for citrus white fly Preparations for winter fumigation for the citrus white fly / |
3 |
A 9.5:112 |
Control of Mediterranean flour moth by hydrocyanic-acid gas fumigation Control of the Mediterranean Flour Moth by Hydrocyanic-Acid Gas Fumigation. Control of the Mediterranean flour moth by hydrocyanic-acid gas fumigation / |
4 |
A 9.5:112/2 | Control of the Mediterranean flour moth by hydrocyanic-acid gas fumigation / | 1 |
A 9.5:113 |
Chinch bug (Blissus leucopterus Say.) The chinch bug. : (Blissus leucopterus Say.) / |
3 |
A 9.5:114 |
Euonymus scale (Chionaspis euonymi Comstock) The Euonymus scale. : (Chionaspis euonymi Comstock) / |
3 |
A 9.5:115 |
Horn fly (Haematobia serrata Rob.-Desv.) The horn fly : (Haematobia serrata Rob.-Desv) / |
4 |
A9.5-115 | Horn fly (Haematobia serrata Rob.-Desv.) | 1 |
A9.5-115.D | Horn fly (Haematobia serrata Rob.-Desv.) | 1 |
A 9.5:116 |
Larger corn stalk-borer (Diatraea saccharalis Fab.) The larger corn stalk-borer. : (Diatrœa saccharalis Fab.) / |
4 |
A9.5-116 | Larger corn stalk-borer (Diatraea saccharalis Fab.) | 1 |
A9.5-116.D | Larger corn stalk-borer (Diatraea saccharalis Fab.) | 1 |
A 9.5:117 |
The western grass-stem sawfly. : (Cephus occidentalis Riley and Marlatt) / Western grass-stem sawfly (Cephus occidentalis Riley and Marlatt.) |
4 |
A9.5-117 | Western grass-stem sawfly (Cephus occidentalis Riley and Marlatt.) | 1 |