Call Number (LC) Title Results
AC 1.2:P 94 NPT, the Non-Proliferation Treaty / 1
AC 1.2:Sa 3/975 SALT lexicon / 1
AC 1.2:Si 6so Sino-Soviet relations and arms control : report to the U.S. Arms Control & Disarmament Agency. 1
AC 1.2:So 8 Soviet propaganda campaign against NATO / 1
AC 1.2:So 8p The Soviet propaganda campaign against the US Strategic Defense Initiative. 1
AC 1.2:St 8/3 SALT II : glossary of terms / 1
AC 1.2:T 71/3 Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Underground Nuclear Tests and the Treaty between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes : texts of treaties and protocols.
Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests and the Treaty between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes texts of treaties and protocols.
AC 1.2:T 71/4 Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty.
AC 1.2:V 58 Verification : the critical element of arms control / 1
AC 1.2:W 37 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling, and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. 1
AC2.G3 S2 no.125 Italienische Literaturgeschichte / 1
AC3 .H86 A Humorous weekly : selected issues 1885-1889. 1
AC3 .W4 The anarchist ideal and other essays / 1
AC4 .A68 The amulet. : a Christmas and New Year's present for MDCCCXLVI : with nine beautiful steel engravings. 1
AC4.A7 G56 The history of the Athenian Society for the resolving all nice and curious questions / 2
AC4 .C57 The constitution of man. / 1
AC4 .E28 Othello : the Moor of Venice. A tragedy. By William Shakespear.
Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire du Jacobinisme : par Mr. L'Abbé Barruel. Première Partie.
Contes et nouvelles en vers par M. de La Fontaine. ...
La vie de Marianne : ou les aventures de Madame la comtesse de ***. Par M. de Marivaux.
La princesse de Cleves ...
Henriade : an epick poem. In ten canto's. Translated from the French into English blank verse. To which are now added, the argument to each canto, and large notes historical and critical.
Athalie : tragedie. Tirée de l'écriture sainte. Par M. de Racine.
Fables and tales from La Fontaine. In French and English. Now first translated. To which is prefix'd, the author's life.
La double inconstance : comedie en trois actes. Par Marivaux.
La pucelle : or, the maid of Orleans: from the French of Voltaire. The first, second, third, fourth, and fifth cantos.
Coffee-house jests : Being a merry companion: containing witty jests, wise sayings, smart repartees, ... with several short delightful histories, novels, and other curious fancies.
Poems upon several occasions By the late Mrs. Leapor, of Brackley in Northamptonshire. The second and last volume.
Poems on several occasions
The British recluse or, the secret history of Cleomira, suppos'd dead. A novel. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood.
The landing.
A Course of sermons on early piety By the eight ministers who carry on the Thursday lecture in Boston. With a preface by the Reverend Dr. Increase Mather, and also clos'd with a discourse lately had by him to young people. [One line epigram in Latin]
Irish reports, or, Reports of cases determined in the King's courts, Dublin with select cases in the House of Lords of Ireland. Vol. I. Beginning with Trinity Term, 1786, 26 Geo. III. and ending with Trinity Term, 1788, 28 Geo. III. /
Reports of cases upon appeals and writs of error in the High Court of Parliament in Ireland since the restoration of the appellate jurisdiction : with tables, notes, and references /
Mental improvement or the beauties and wonders of nature and art ... By Priscilla Wakefield.
The emperor of the moon As now acting with applause at the Theatre-Royal in Smock-Alley.
A poetical translation of the Song of Solomon, from the original Hebrew, with a preliminary discourse, and notes, historical, critical, and explanatory. By Ann Francis
Poems and essays by a lady lately deceased.
Poems on several occasions Together with The song of the three children paraphras'd. By the Lady Chudleigh.
An essay on the slavery and commerce of the human species : particularly the African. Translated from a Latin dissertation, which was honoured with the first prize in the University of Cambridge, for the year 1785, with additions.
A dissertation on slavery : with a proposal for the gradual abolition of it, in the state of Virginia. By St. George Tucker, professor of law in the University of William and Mary, and one of the judges of the General Court, in Virginia. [Four lines from Montesquieu]
Americans against liberty or an essay on the nature and principles of true freedom, shewing that the designs and conduct of the Americans tend only to tyranny and slavery.
Remarks on the late decision of the House of Commons respecting the abolition of the slave trade. : the second edition. By Thomas Gisborne, M.A.
A letter to Philo Africanus, upon slavery : in answer to his of the 22d of November, in the General Evening Post ; together with the opinions of Sir John Strange, and other eminent lawyers upon this subject, with the sentence of Lord Mansfield, in the case of Somerset and Knowles, 1772 ..
The constitution of the New-Jersey Society, for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery : to which is annexed, extracts from a law of New-Jersey, passed the 2d March, 1786, and supplement to the same, passed the 26th November, 1788. [Four lines from the Declaration of Independence]
Reflexions sur la Revolution de France : et sur les procédés de certaines sociétés à Londres, relatifs a cet événement. En forme d'une lettre, qui avoit dû être envoyée d'abord à un jeune homme, à Paris. Par le Right honourable Edmund-Burke. Traduit de l'anglais, sur la troisieme édition, en 364p.
Les aventures de Télémaque : fils d'Ulysse. Par M. de Fénélon, Archevêque de Cambrai.
L'école des mères : comedie. Par Mr. De Marivaux.
The North British intelligencer; or, Constitutional miscellany.
Il disertore ; a new comic opera ; as acted at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. Written by Mr. Badini. The music entirely new, by Signor Guglielmi
Letter from Mr. Francis to Lord North, late Earl of Guildford. With an appendix
Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, from the year 1792 to 1798. By W.G. Browne
The British recluse or, the secret history of Cleomira, suppos'd dead. A novel. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood .
Elegiac sonnets and other poems, by Charlotte Smith. Vol. I.
Fabulous histories Designed for the [in]truction of children, respecting their treatment of animals. By Mrs. Trimmer.
Letters from Orinda to Poliarchus
Irish term reports, or, Reports of cases determined in the King's courts, Dublin, from Easter Term, 34 Geo. III. to Hilary Term, 35 Geo. III. inclusive
AC4 .H6 1841 The Every-day book and Table book; or, Everlasting calendar of popular amusements, sports, pastimes, ceremonies, manners, customs, and events, incident to each of the three hundred and sixty-five days, in past and present times; forming a complete history of the year, months, and seasons, and a perpetual key to the almanac ... for daily use and diversion / 1
AC4 (INTERNET) The Young-students-library containing extracts and abridgments of the most valuable books printed in England, and in the forreign journals, from the year sixty five, to this time : to which is added a new essay upon all sorts of learning ... / 1
AC4 .M668 1916 Contribution à l'étude des maladies mentales chez les militaires pendant la guerre actuelle / 1