Call Number (LC) Title Results
AE 2.110:104-154 An Act to Designate the Bridge, Estimated to Be Completed in the Year 2000, that Replaces the Bridge on Missouri Highway 74 Spanning from East Cape Girardeau, Illinois, to Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as the "Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge," and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:104-155 Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996. 2
AE 2.110:104-156 Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996. 2
AE 2.110:104-157 An Act to Designate the United States Post Office Building Located at 102 South McLean, Lincoln, Illinois, as the "Edward Madigan Post Office Building." 2
AE 2.110:104-158 Colorado land exchange. 2
AE 2.110:104-159 An Act to Provide the United States Post Office Building that Is to Be Located at 7436 South Exchange Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, Shall Be Known and Designated as the "Charles A. Hayes Post Office Building." 2
AE 2.110:104-160 An Act to Designate the Federal Building and United States Courthouse Located at 235 North Washington Avenue in Scranton, Pennsylvania, as the "William J. Nealon Federal Building and United States Courthouse." 2
AE 2.110:104-161 An Act to Provide for the Distribution within the United States of the United States Information Agency Film Entitled "Fragile Ring of Life." 2
AE 2.110:104-162 An Act to Authorize the Extension of Nondiscriminatory Treatment (Most-Favored-Nation Treatment) to the Products of Bulgaria. 2
AE 2.110:104-163 National Children's Island Act of 1995. 2
AE 2.110:104-164 An Act to Amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Arms Export Control Act to Make Improvements to Certain Defense and Security Assistance Provisions under those Acts, to Authorize the Transfer of Naval Vessels to Certain Foreign Countries, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:104-165 An Act to Authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to Convey Lands to the City of Rolla, Missouri. 2
AE 2.110:104-166 An Act to Amend the Public Health Service Act to Provide for the Conduct of Expanded Studies and the Establishment of Innovative Programs with Respect to Traumatic Brain Injury, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:104-167 An Act Entitled the "Mollie Beattie Wilderness Area Act." 2
AE 2.110:104-168 Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2. 2
AE 2.110:104-169 National Gambling Impact Study Commission Act. 2
AE 2.110:104-170 An Act to Amend the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:104-171 An Act to Authorize the Extension of Nondiscriminatory Treatment (Most-Favored-Nation Treatment) to the Products of Romania. 2
AE 2.110:104-172 An Act to Impose Sanctions on Persons Making Certain Investments Directly and Significantly Contributing to the Enhancement of the Ability of Iran or Libya to Develop Its Petroleum Resources, and on Persons Exporting Certain Items that Enhance Libya's Weapons or Aviation Capabilities or enhance Libya's ability to develop its petroleum resources, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:104-173 An Act to Provide for the Extension of Certain Hydroelectric Projects Located in the State of West Virginia. 1