Call Number (LC) Title Results
AE 2.110:106-459 An Act to Amend the Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act to Authorize Additional Measures to Carry Out the Control of Salinity Upstream of Imperial Dam in a Cost-Effective Manner. 1
AE 2.110:106-460 An Act to Direct the Secretary of the Interior to Issue to the Landusky School District, without Consideration, a Patent for the Surface and Mineral Estates of Certain Lots, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:106-461 An Act to Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Produce and Sell Products and to Sell Publications Relating to the Hoover Dam, and to Deposit Revenues Generated from the Sales into the Colorado River Dam Fund. 1
AE 2.110:106-462 An Act to Reduce the Fractionated Ownership of Indian Lands, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:106-463 An Act to Amend the Mineral Leasing Act to Increase the Maximum Acreage of Federal Leases for Coal that May Be Held by an Entity in Any 1 State. 1
AE 2.110:106-464 Native American Business Development, Trade Promotion, and Tourism Act of 2000. 1
AE 2.110:106-465 An Act to Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Establish the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site in the State of Colorado. 1
AE 2.110:106-466 An Act to Direct the Secretary of the Interior to Convey Certain Irrigation Facilities to the Nampa and Meridian Irrigation District. 1
AE 2.110:106-467 An Act to Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Enter into Contracts with the Solano County Water Agency, California, to Use Solano Project Facilities for Impounding, Storage, and Carriage of Nonproject Water for Domestic, Municipal, Industrial, and Other Beneficial Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:106-468 An Act to Authorize the Attorney General to Provide Grants for Organizations to Find Missing Adults. 1
AE 2.110:106-469 An Act to Extend Energy Conservation Programs under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act through Fiscal Year 2003. 1
AE 2.110:106-470 An Act to Direct the Secretary of the Interior to Conduct a Study of the Suitability and Feasibility of Establishing an Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area in the State of Connecticut and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:106-471 An Act to Designate Certain National Forest System Lands within the Boundaries of the State of Virginia as Wilderness Areas. 1
AE 2.110:106-472 Grain Standards and Warehouse Improvement Act of 2000. 1
AE 2.110:106-473 An Act to Require the Secretary of the Interior to Complete a Resource Study of the 600 Mile Route ... Used by George Washington and General Rochambeau During the American Revolutionary War. 1
AE 2.110:106-474 An Act to Establish the National Recording Registry in the Library of Congress to Maintain and Preserve Sound Recordings that Are Culturally, Historically, or Aesthetically Significant, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:106-475 Veterans Claims Assistance Act of 2000. 1
AE 2.110:106-476 An Act to Amend the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to Modify Temporarily Certain Rates of Duty, to Make Other Technical Amendments to the Trade Laws, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:106-477 An Act to Designate the United States Courthouse Located at 3470 12th Street in Riverside, California, as the "George E. Brown, Jr., United States Courthouse." 1
AE 2.110:106-478 An Act to Designate the United States Courthouse Located at 1010 Fifth Avenue in Seattle, Washington, as the "William Kenzo Nakamura United States Courthouse." 1