Call Number (LC) Title Results
AE 2.110:107-54 Joint Resolution Providing for the Reappointment of Anne d'Harnoncourt as a Citizen Regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. 1
AE 2.110:107-55 Joint Resolution Providing for the Appointment of Roger W. Sant as a Citizen Regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. 1
AE 2.110:107-56 Act to Deter and Punish Terrorist Acts in the United States and Around the World, to Enhance Law Enforcement Investigatory Tools, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:107-57 An Act to Authorize the President to Exercise Waivers of Foreign Assistance Restrictions with Respect to Pakistan through September 30, 2003, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:107-58 Joint Resolution Making Further Continuing Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2002, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:107-59 An Act to Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Study the Suitability and Feasibility of Designating the Great Falls Historic District in Paterson, New Jersey, as a Unit of the National Park System, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:107-60 An Act to Adjust the Boundary of the William Howard Taft National Historic Site in the State of Ohio, to Authorize an Exchange of Land in Connection with the Historic Site, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:107-61 An Act to Authorize the Government of the Czech Republic to Establish a Memorial to Honor Tomas G. Masaryk in the District of Columbia. 1
AE 2.110:107-62 An Act to Authorize the Adams Memorial Foundation to Establish a Commemorative Work on Federal Land in the District of Columbia and Its Environs to Honor Former President John Adams and His Legacy. 1
AE 2.110:107-63 Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2002. 1
AE 2.110:107-64 Military Construction Appropriations Act, 2002. 1
AE 2.110:107-65 An Act to Amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to Designate a Segment of the Eightmile River in the State of Connecticut for Study for Potential Addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:107-66 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2002 1
AE 2.110:107-67 Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 2002. 1
AE 2.110:107-68 Legislative Branch Appropriations, Fiscal Year 2002 1
AE 2.110:107-69 An Act to Amend the Reclamation Recreation Management Act of 1992 in Order to Provide for the Security of Dams, Facilities, and Resources under the Jurisdiction of the Bureau of Reclamation. 1
AE 2.110:107-70 Joint Resolution Making Further Continuing Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2002, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:107-71 An Act to Improve Aviation Security, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:107-71/CORR An Act to Improve Aviation Security, and for Other Purposes. 1
AE 2.110:107-72 Need-Based Educational Aid Act of 2001. 1