AE 2.110:107-99
Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001. |
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AE 2.110:107-100
Small Business Investment Company Amendments Act of 2001. |
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AE 2.110:107-101
Joint Resolution Providing for the Appointment of Patricia Q. Stonesifer as a Citizen Regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. |
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AE 2.110:107-102
An Act Regarding the Use of the Trust Land and Resources of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon. |
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AE 2.110:107-103
Veterans Education and Benefits Expansion Act of 2001. |
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AE 2.110:107-104
An Act to Amend Chapter 90 of Title 5, United States Code, Relating to Federal Long-Term Care Insurance. |
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AE 2.110:107-105
An Act to Ensure That Covered Entities Comply with the Standards for Electronic Health Care Transactions and Code Sets Adopted under Part C of Title XI of the Social Security Act, and for Other Purposes. |
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AE 2.110:107-106
An Act to Establish the National Museum of African American History and Culture Plan for Action Presidential Commission to Develop a Plan of Action for the Establishment and Maintenance of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C., and for Other Purposes. |
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AE 2.110:107-107
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002. |
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AE 2.110:107-108
Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002. |
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AE 2.110:107-109
Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act. |
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AE 2.110:107-110
An Act to Close the Achievement Gap with Accountability, Flexibility, and Choice, So That No Child Is Left Behind. |
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AE 2.110:107-111
An Act to Reauthorize the African Elephant Conservation Act. |
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AE 2.110:107-112
An Act to Reauthorize the Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Act of 1994. |
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AE 2.110:107-113
An Act to Amend the National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act of 1997 to Permit Any Federal Law Enforcement Agency Enter Into a Cooperative Agreement with the Metropolitan Police Department of the District Of Columbia to Assist the Department in Carrying Out Crime Prevention and Law Enforcement Activities . |
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AE 2.110:107-114
District of Columbia Family Court Act of 2001. |
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AE 2.110:107-115
Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2002. |
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AE 2.110:107-116
An Act Making Appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2002, and for Other Purposes. |
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AE 2.110:107-117
Department of Defense and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Recovery from and Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United States Act, 2002. |
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AE 2.110:107-118
Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act. |
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