Call Number (LC) Title Results
AE 2.110:112-67 Joint Resolution Making Further Continuing Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012, and for Other Purposes.
Joint Resolution Making Further Continuing Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012, and for Other Purposes
AE 2.110:112-68 Joint Resolution Making Further Continuing Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012, and for Other Purposes (P. L. 112-68) 2
AE 2.110:112-69 An Act to Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Lease Certain Lands within Fort Pulaski National Monument, and for Other Purposes
An Act to Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Lease Certain Lands within Fort Pulaski National Monument, and for Other Purposes.
AE 2.110:112-70 An Act to Provide for the Conveyance of Certain Parcels of Land to the Town of Mantua, Utah.
An Act to Provide for the Conveyance of Certain Parcels of Land to the Town of Mantua, Utah
AE 2.110:112-71 Joint Resolution to Grant the Consent of Congress to an Amendment to the Compact between the States of Missouri and Illinois Providing That Bonds Issued by the Bi-State Development Agency May mature in Not to Exceed 40 Years.
Joint Resolution to Grant the Consent of Congress to an Amendment to the Compact between the States of Missouri and Illinois Providing That Bonds Issued by the Bi-State Development Agency May mature in Not to Exceed 40 Years
AE 2.110:112-72 An Act to Further Allocate and Expand the Availability of Hydroelectric Power Generated at Hoover Dam, and for Other Purposes.
An Act to Further Allocate and Expand the Availability of Hydroelectric Power Generated at Hoover Dam, and for Other Purposes
AE 2.110:112-73 An Act to Authorize the Presentation of a United States Flag on Behalf of Federal Civilian Employees Who Die of Injuries Incurred in Connection with Their Employment
An Act to Authorize the Presentation of a United States Flag on Behalf of Federal Civilian Employees Who Die of Injuries Incurred in Connection with Their Employment.
AE 2.110:112-74 Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012.
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012
AE 2.110:112-75 United States Commission on International Religious Freedom Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2011.
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2011
AE 2.110:112-76 An Act to Award Congressional Gold Medals in Honor of the Men and Women Who Perished as a Result of the Terrorist Attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.
An Act to Award Congressional Gold Medals in Honor of the Men and Women Who Perished as a Result of the Terrorist Attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001
AE 2.110:112-77 An Act Making Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2012, and for Other Purposes
An Act Making Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2012, and for Other Purposes.
AE 2.110:112-78 Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of 2011.
Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of 2011
AE 2.110:112-79 Sugar Loaf Fire Protection District Land Exchange Act of 2011.
Sugar Loaf Fire Protection District Land Exchange Act of 2011
AE 2.110:112-80 An Act to Amend Title 39, United States Code, to Extend the Authority of the United States Postal Service to Issue a Semipostal to Raise Funds for Breast Cancer Research (P.L. 112-80) 2
AE 2.110:112-81 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012.
AE 2.110:112-82 An Act to Reauthorize the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004.
An Act to Reauthorize the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004
AE 2.110:112-83 An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 20 Main Street in Little Ferry, New Jersey, as the "Sergeant Matthew J. Fenton Post Office."
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 20 Main Street in Little Ferry, New Jersey, as the "Sergeant Matthew J. Fenton Post Office"
AE 2.110:112-84 An Act to Protect the Safety of Judges by Extending the Authority of the Judicial Conference to Redact Sensitive Information Contained in Their Financial Disclosure Reports, and for Other Purposes.
An Act to Protect the Safety of Judges by Extending the Authority of the Judicial Conference to Redact Sensitive Information Contained in Their Financial Disclosure Reports, and for Other Purposes
AE 2.110:112-85 An Act to Designate the Property between the United States Federal Courthouse and the Ed Jones Building Located at 109 South Highland Avenue in Jackson, Tennessee, as the "M.D. Anderson Plaza" and to Authorize the Placement of a Historical/Identification Marker on the Grounds Recognizing the Achievements and Philanthropy of M.D. Anderson.
An Act to Designate the Property between the United States Federal Courthouse and the Ed Jones Building Located at 109 South Highland Avenue in Jackson, Tennessee, as the "M.D. Anderson Plaza" and to Authorize the Placement of a Historical/Identification Marker on the Grounds Recognizing the Achievements and Philanthropy of M.D. Anderson
AE 2.110:112-86 An Act to Amend Title 49, United States Code, to Provide for Expedited Security Screenings for Members of the Armed Forces.
An Act to Amend Title 49, United States Code, to Provide for Expedited Security Screenings for Members of the Armed Forces