Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
AE 2.110:114-214 | An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 10721 E Jefferson Ave in Detroit, Michigan, as the "Mary E. McCoy Post Office Building." | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-215 | John F. Kennedy Centennial Commission Act. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-216 | National bioengineered food disclosure standard. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-217 | An Act to Reauthorize the Sound Recording and Film Preservation Programs of the Library of Congress, and for Other Purposes. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-218 | Department of Veterans Affairs Dental Insurance Reauthorization Act of 2016. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-219 | An Act to Authorize the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped to Provide Playback Equipment in All Formats. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-220 | An Act to Designate the Department of Veterans Affairs Community-Based Outpatient Clinic in Laughlin, Nevada, as the "Master Chief Petty Officer Jesse Dean VA Clinic." | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-221 | An Act to Enhance and Integrate Native American Tourism, Empower Native American Communities, Increase Coordination and Collaboration between Federal Tourism Assets, and Expand Heritage and Cultural Tourism Opportunities in the United States. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-222 | Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-223 | An Act Making Continuing Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2017, and for Other Purposes. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-224 | An Act to Establish the Virgin Islands of the United States Centennial Commission. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-225 | An Act to Designate the United States Customs and Border Protection Port of Entry Located at 1400 Lower Island Road in Tornillo, Texas, as the "Marcelino Serna Port of Entry." | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-226 | West Los Angeles Leasing Act of 2016. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-227 | An Act to Amend Title 36, United States Code, to Authorize the American Battle Monuments Commission to Acquire, Operate, and Maintain the Lafayette Escadrille Memorial in Marnes-la-Coquette, France, and for Other Purposes. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-228 | An Act to Amend Title 38, United States Code, to Extend Certain Expiring Provisions of Law Administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for Other Purposes. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-229 | An Act to Extend the Pediatric Priority Review Voucher Program. | 1 |
AE 2.110:114-229/CORR |
Public Law 114-229, [Corrected Print] An Act to Extend the Pediatric Priority Review Voucher Program, September 30, 2016. An Act to Extend the Pediatric Priority Review Voucher Program. |
3 |
AE 2.110:114-230 | An Act to Authorize a Wall of Remembrance as Part of the Korean War Veterans Memorial and to Allow Certain Private Contributions to Fund That Wall of Remembrance. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-231 | An Act to Support Global Anti-Poaching Efforts, Strengthen the Capacity of Partner Countries to Counter Wildlife Trafficking, Designate Major Wildlife Trafficking Countries, and for Other Purposes. | 2 |
AE 2.110:114-232 | Nevada Native Nations Land Act. | 2 |