AE 2.110:114-28
An Act to Revoke the Charter of Incorporation of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma at the Request of That Tribe, and for Other Purposes. |
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AE 2.110:114-29
An Act to Amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to Require the Under Secretary for Management of the Department of Homeland Security to Take Administrative Action to Achieve and Maintain Interoperable Communications Capabilities among the Components of the Department of Homeland Security, and for Other Purposes. |
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AE 2.110:114-30
Boys Town Centennial Commemorative Coin Act. |
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AE 2.110:114-31
Veterans Identification Card Act of 2015. |
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AE 2.110:114-32
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 7050 Highway BB in Cedar Hill, Missouri, as the "Sergeant First Class William B. Woods, Jr. Post Office." |
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AE 2.110:114-33
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 141 Paloma Drive in Floresville, Texas, as the "Floresville Veterans Post Office Building." |
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AE 2.110:114-34
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 2000 Mulford Road in Mulberry, Florida, as the "Sergeant First Class Daniel M. Ferguson Post Office." |
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AE 2.110:114-35
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 442 East 167th Street in Bronx, New York, as the "Herman Badillo Post Office Building." |
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AE 2.110:114-36
An Act to Amend the United States Cotton Futures Act to Exclude Certain Cotton Futures Contracts from Coverage under Such Act. |
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AE 2.110:114-37
An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 14 3rd Avenue, NW, in Chisholm, Minnesota, as the "James L. Oberstar Memorial Post Office Building." |
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AE 2.110:114-38
An Act to Amend the Small Business Act to Increase Access to Capital for Veteran Entrepreneurs, to Help Create Jobs, and for Other Purposes. |
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AE 2.110:114-39
An Act to Amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to Provide for an Increase in the Limit on the Length of an Agreement under the Medicare Independence at Home Medical Practice Demonstration Program. |
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AE 2.110:114-40
An Act to Amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to Provide Medicare Beneficiary Access to Eye Tracking Accessories for Speech Generating Devices and to Remove the Rental Cap for Durable Medical Equipment under the Medicare Program with Respect to Speech Generating Devices. |
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AE 2.110:114-41
An Act to Provide an Extension of Federal-aid Highway, Highway Safety, Motor Carrier Safety, Transit, and Other Programs Funded out of the Highway Trust Fund, to Provide Resource Flexibility to the Department of Veterans Affairs for Health Care Services, and for Other Purposes. |
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AE 2.110:114-42
An Act to Amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to Require Hospitals to Provide Certain Notifications to Individuals Classified by Such Hospitals under Observation Status Rather Than Admitted as Inpatients of Such Hospitals. |
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AE 2.110:114-43
An Act to Reduce Duplication of Information Technology at the Department of Homeland Security, and for Other Purposes. |
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AE 2.110:114-44
An Act to Improve and Reauthorize Provisions Relating to the Application of the Antitrust Laws to the Award of Need-Based Educational Aid. |
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AE 2.110:114-45
An Act to Amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to Provide for the Assessment and Management of the Risk of Algal Toxins in Drinking Water, and for Other Purposes. |
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AE 2.110:114-46
Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions Act. |
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AE 2.110:114-47
An Act to Amend Title 5, United States Code, to Provide a Pathway for Temporary Seasonal Employees in Federal Land Management Agencies to Compete for Vacant Permanent Positions under Internal Merit Promotion Procedures, and for Other Purposes. |
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