Call Number (LC) Title Results
AE 2.110:115-393 An Act to Prioritize the Fight against Human Trafficking in the United States. 2
AE 2.110:115-394 An Act to Require the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere to Carry Out a Program on Coordinating the Assessment and Acquisition by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of Unmanned Maritime Systems, to Make Available to the Public Data Collected by the Administration Using Such Systems, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:115-395 An Act to Amend Title 18, United States Code, to Make Certain Changes to the Reporting Requirement of Certain Service Providers Regarding Child Sexual Exploitation Visual Depictions, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:115-396 An Act to Reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program. 2
AE 2.110:115-397 An Act to Amend the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 to Reform the Procedures Provided under Such Act for the Initiation, Review, and Resolution of Claims Alleging that Employing Offices of the Legislative Branch Have Violated the Rights and Protections Provided to Their Employees under Such Act, Including Protections against Sexual Harassment, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:115-398 Stop, Observe, Ask, and Respond to Health and Wellness Act of 2018. 2
AE 2.110:115-399 An Act to Amend the Act of August 4, 1947 (Commonly Known as the Stigler Act), with Respect to Restrictions Applicable to Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:115-400 An Act to Require the Secretary of Homeland Security to Examine What Actions the Department of Homeland Security is Undertaking to Combat the Threat of Vehicular Terrorism, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:115-401 Ashanti Alert Act of 2018. 2
AE 2.110:115-402 An Act to Direct the National Science Foundation to Provide Grants for Research about STEM Education Approaches and the STEM-Related Workforce, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:115-403 An Act to Amend Title 51, United States Code, to Extend the Authority of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to Enter into Leases of Non-excess Property of the Administration. 2
AE 2.110:115-404 An Act to Direct the Secretary of the Interior to Conduct an Accurate Comprehensive Student Count for the Purposes of Calculating Formula Allocations for Programs under the Johnson-O'Malley Act, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:115-405 An Act to Expand Recreational Fishing Opportunities through Enhanced Marine Fishery Conservation and Management, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:115-406 Building Our Largest Dementia Infrastructure for Alzheimer's Act. 2
AE 2.110:115-407 Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018. 2
AE 2.110:115-408 State Offices of Rural Health Reauthorization Act of 2018. 1
AE 2.110:115-408/CORR State Offices of Rural Health Reauthorization Act of 2018. 2
AE 2.110:115-409 An Act to Develop a Long-term Strategic Vision and a Comprehensive, Multifaceted, and Principled United States Policy for the Indo-Pacific Region, and for Other Purposes. 2
AE 2.110:115-410 Museum and Library Services Act of 2018. 2
AE 2.110:115-411 An Act to Direct the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to Submit to Congress a Report on the Development and Use of Global Health Innovations in the Programs, Projects, and Activities of the Agency. 2