Call Number (LC) Title Results
AG195 .M34 1993 More how do they do that? : wonders of the modern world explained / 1
AG195 .P56 1829 The first catechism for children, : containing common things, necessary to be known at an early age / 1
AG195 .S75 What do you know? / 1
AG195 .S78 1998 Stumpers! : answers to hundreds of questions that stumped the experts / 2
AG195 .W57 1961 The first College Bowl question book. 1
AG195 .W78 The trivia encyclopedia / 2
AG196 (INTERNET) Delectable demaundes, and pleasaunt questions, with their seuerall aunswers, in matters of loue, naturall causes, with morall and politique deuises 1
AG196.S6 ebook ¿Como le explico esto a un extraterrestre? : incoherencias de la vida cotidiana / 1
AG211 ebook Las 100 preguntas más creativas de los niños / 1
AG241 These are to let you understand, to your better satisfaction, that there is now resident, at the White Hart in the Strand ... 1
AG241 C46 1986 Shen yi jing yan jiu / 1
AG241 (INTERNET) Certaine secrete wonders of nature containing a descriptio[n] of sundry strange things, seming monstrous in our eyes and iudgement, bicause we are not priuie to the reasons of them : gathered out of diuers learned authors as well Greeke as Latine, sacred as prophane /
Two remarkable and true histories, which hapned this present yeare, 1619 The one relating how God most miraculously restored to health Elizabeth Goossens Taets, dwelling in the Long street neere St. Georges Church in Amers-ford by Vtrecht in the Low-countries, the 29. of August last, after fiue and twenty yeares great inabilitie and weaknesse of body. The other shewing how a maruellous deformed monster was found in the belly of a cow which was killed by Iohn Vandel malt-man of Amers-ford aforesaid, the first day of October last. 1619. Both which may serue to inuite vs to serious repentance and vnfained amendment of life, in this wicked and decaying age.
AG241 .L33 A precious treasury of twenty rare secrets most necessary, pleasant and profitable for all sorts of people /
A brief collection of many rare secrets many of which are approved and physical and the rest most pleasant and recreative : very necessary for all sorts of people /
AG241 .M37 The husbandman's jewel directing how to improve land from 10 l. per annum to 50 l. with small charge by planting ..
The husbandman's jewel directing how to improve land from 10 l. per annum to 50 l. with small charge by planting.
AG241 .P48 1637 The phoenix of these late times: or The life of Mr. Henry Welby, Esq; who liued at his house in Grub-street forty foure yeares, and in that space, was neuer seene by any. Aged 84. Who in all that time neither dranke wine, nor eate flesh, as it is testified. Shewing the first occasion, and the reasons thereof. There is also intermixt some other passages, with the manner of his bestowing his charity and pious uses. Whose portracture, you may behold, as it was taken at his death. With some new epitaphs by those who formerly knew this gentleman, who lyeth buried in S. Giles Church neere Criple gate, London. 1
AG241 .P76 1611 The Protestants and Iesuites together by the eares in Gulicke-land. Also, a true and wonderfull relation of a Dutch maiden (called Eue Fliegen of Meurs in the county of Meurs) who being now (this present yeare) 36 yeares of age, hath fasted for the space of 14 yeares, confirmed by the testimony of persons, both honourable and worshipfull, (as well English, as Dutch. Truely translated according to the Dutch coppy. 1
AG241 .R12 1685 The extraordinary adventures and discoveries of several famous men with the strange events and signal mutations and changes in the fortunes of many illustrious places and persons in all ages : being an account of a multitude of stupendious revolutions, accidents and observable matters in many kingdomes, states and provinces throughout the whole world : with divers remarkable particulars lively described in picture for their better illustration / 2
AG241 .R32 1683 Unparalleld varieties: or, The matchless actions and passions of mankind. Displayed in near four hundred notable instances and examples. Discovering the transcendent effects; I. Of love, friendship, and gratitude. II. Of magnanimity, courage, and fidelity. III. Of chastity, temperance, and humility. And on the contrary the tremendous consequences, IV. Of hatred, revenge, and ingratitude. V. Of cowardice, barbarity, treachery. VI. Of unchastity, intemperance, and ambition. : Imbellished with proper figures. / 1
AG241 .R32 1685 Unparallel'd varieties, or, The matchless actions and passion of mankind displayed in near four hundred notable instances and examples ... imbellished with proper figures / 2
AG241 .S8 1695 A summers divertisemet of mathematical and mechanical curiosities. Being an account of the things seen at the House of Curiosities, near Grange Park. Part First. 1