AI19.C5 H36 v.38
Er ya zhu shu yin shu yin de = Index to the titles quoted in the commentaries on Er ya. |
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AI19.C5 H36 v.39
Quan Han San guo Jin Nan Bei chao shi zuo zhe yin de = Index to the authors in Quan Han San guo Jin Nan bei chao shi / |
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AI19.C5 H36 v.40
Shi ji ji zhu shi zong he yin de / |
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AI19.C5 H36 v.41
Hou Han shu ji zhu shi zong he yin de = Combined indices to Hou Han shu and the notes of Liu Chao and Li Xian / |
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AI19.C5 H75 1992 v.1
Shuo yuan zhu zi suo yin = A Concordance to the Shuoyuan / |
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AI19.C5 H75 1992 v.2
Wen zi zhu zi suo yin = A Concordance to the Wenzi / |
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AI19.C5 H75 1992 v.3
Huainan zi zhu zi suo yin = A Concordance to the Huainanzi / |
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AI19.C5 H75 1992 v.4
Han shi wai zhuan zhu zi suo yin = A Concordance to the Hanshi waizhuan / |
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AI19.C5 H75 1992 v.5
Shang jun shu zhu zi suo yin = A Concordance to the Shangjunshu / |
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AI19.C5 H75 1992 v.6
Xin xu zhu zi suo yin = A Concordance to the Xinxu / |
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AI19.C5 H75 1992 v.7
Li ji zhu zi suo yin = A concordance to the Liji / |
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AI19.C5 H75 1992 v.8
Zhan guo ce zhu zi suo yin = A concordance to the Zhanguoce / |
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AI19.C5 H75 1992 v.9
Yi Zhou shu zhu zi suo yin = A concordance to the Yizhoushu / |
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AI19.C5 H75 1992 v.10
Kongzi jia yu zhu zi suo yin = A concordance to the Kongzi jiayu / |
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AI19.C5 H75 1992 v.11
Bing shu si zhong (Sunzi, Wei liao zi, Wuzi, Sima fa) zhu zi suo yin = A Concordance to the militarists (Sunzi, Yuliaozi, Wuzi, Simafa) / |
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AI19.C5 H75 1992 v.12
Da Dai li ji zhu zi suo yin = A Concordance to the Dadai liji / |
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AI19.C5 H752 1992 v.13
Zhou li zhu zi suo yin = A Concordance to the Zhouli / |
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AI19.C5 H752 1992 v.14
Gu lie nĂ¼ zhuan zhu zi suo yin = A Concordance to the Gulienuzhuan / |
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AI19.C5 H752 1992 v.15
Yanzi chun qiu zhu zi suo yin = A Concordance to the Yanzichunqiu / |
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AI19.C5 H752 1992 v.16
Wu Yue chun qiu zhu zi suo yin = A concordance to the WuYuechunqiu / |
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