Call Number (LC) Title Results
AM3.6.B73 A75 2001 A bluestocking in Charleston : the life and career of Laura Bragg / 1
AM3.6.F34 F343 2020 The Nightcrawler King Memoirs of an Art Museum Curator. 1
AM3.6.P35 J86 2021 Warum ich beschloss, Peter Pakesch zu mögen / 1
AM3.6.W55 P38 2020 Patch Work : A Life Amongst Clothes / 1
AM5 Museums, their history and their use /
Museums, their history and their use.
Museums and art galleries /
Cultivating futures thinking in museums /
The handbook for museums /
COUNTRYSIDE ON VIEW a handbook on countryside centres, field museums and historic buildings open to the public.
Museum studies for a post-pandemic world : mentoring, collaborations, and interactive knowledge transfer in times of transformation /
Interpreting objects in the hybrid museum : convergence, collections and cultural policy /
The contemporary museum : shaping museums for the global now /
Hybrid museum experiences : theory and design /
Human rights museums : critical tensions between memory and justice /
Públicos en transformación una visión interdisciplinar de las funciones, experiencias y espacios del público actual de los museos /
The Future of Museums /
Worlds in a Museum : Exploring Contemporary Museology.
Why the museum matters /
Públicos en transformación : una visión interdisciplinar de las funciones, experiencias y espacios del público actual de los museos /
AM5 .A33 Museum studies 1
AM5 .A38 Museums in motion : an introduction to the history and functions of museums / 1
AM5 .A38 1979 Museums in motion : an introduction to the history and functions of museums / 1
AM5 .A38 2008 Museums in motion : an introduction to the history and functions of museums / 2
AM5 .A38 2017 Museums in motion : an introduction to the history and functions of museums / 1
AM5 .A43 1993  
AM5 .A43 2006 Museum basics / 1
AM5 .A49 1993 Museum basics / 1
AM5 .A49 2006 Museum basics / 1
AM5 .B335 2014 Museums in the digital age : changing meanings of place, community, and culture / 1
AM5 .B335 2014eb Museums in the digital age : changing meanings of place, community, and culture / 1
AM5 .B88 Introduction to museum work / 1
AM5 .B88 1995 Introduction to museum work / 1
AM5 .B88 1997 Introduction to museum work / 2
AM5 .C277 1983 La museografía como método / 1