Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
AM7 |
MUSEUM AS A SPACE OF SOCIAL CARE Images of works of art in museum collections : the experience of open access : a study of 11 museums / Visualizing Genocide Indigenous Interventions in Art, Archives, and Museums. Working with Young Children in Museums : Weaving theory and practice / Dinge - Nutzer - Netze Von der Virtualisierung des Musealen zur Musealisierung des Virtuellen / Expanded Museum : Kulturelle Erinnerung und virtuelle Realitäten / MUSEUMS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY a theory of social practice. Museums, heritage and international development / Event zieht - Inhalt bindet Besucherorientierung von Museen auf neuen Wegen. Museen des Imaginären Zeigen. Erscheinen lassen. Literarisieren. A Programme of Absolute Disorder Decolonizing the Museum. Protecting the objects and serving the public : an ongoing dialogue / Museums and Atlantic Slavery. Reshaping urban conservation : the historic urban landscape approach in action / Museum activism / Museums as ritual sites : civilizing rituals reconsidered / Engaging Museums Rhetorical Education and Social Justice. The Museum as Experience : Learning, Connection, and Shared Space. Object-Based Learning and Well-Being Exploring Material Connections. Queer Curating - Zum Moment kuratorischer Störung Diversität und Darstellung : Zugehörigkeit und Ausgrenzung im Literaturmuseum und in der Literaturwissenschaft / Institution wide interpretive planning. Objekte im Netz : Wissenschaftliche Sammlungen im digitalen Wandel / Komunikacja marketingowa w kreowaniu wizerunku instytucji kultury na przykładzie muzeów narodowych / Spaces of care : confronting colonial afterlives in European ethnographic museums / Doing diversity in museums and heritage : a Berlin ethnography / MOVING SPACES enacting dance, performance and the digital in the museum. Snapshots of museum experience : understanding child visitors through photography / Understanding and Accessibility of Pre-And Proto-Historical Research Issues Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 17, Session XXXV-1. Museums, immigrants, and social justice / Women in the museum : lessons from the workplace / Digital access and museums as platforms / Museums, identity and family practices / Museums and social change : challenging the unhelpful museum / Museums, sexuality, and gender activism Museum innovation and social entrepreneurship : a new model for a challenging era / The personalization of the museum visit : art museums, discourse, and visitors / Museums and design for creative lives / Museums, power, knowledge : selected essays / Interpreting slavery with children and teens at museums and historic sites / Exhibiting the German past : museums, film, and musealization / Engagement and access : innovative approaches for museums / Interpreting History : Interpreting Anniversaries and Milestones at Museums and Historic Sites. Narratives of vulnerability in museums : American interpretations of the Great Depression / Technology and Digital Initiatives : Innovative Approaches for Museums / The green museum : a primer on environmental practice / Beyond pedagogy : reconsidering the public purpose of museums / Applying for jobs and internships in museums : a practical guide / Cultural mediation for museums : driving audience engagement / Museum Innovation : Building More Equitable, Relevant and Impactful Museums. The Manual of Museum Learning / Measuring museum impact and performance : theory and practice / Living history : effective costumed interpretation and enactment at museums and historic sites / A practical guide to museum ethics / REINVENTING THE MUSEUM : relevance, inclusion, and global responsibilities. Practicing decoloniality in museums : a guide with global examples / Revisiting the past in museums and at historic sites / Reculturing museums : embrace conflict, create change / Museums and technologies of presence / The brain-friendly museum : using psychology and neuroscience to improve the visitor experience / Non-visitor research : audience development for arts organisations / Time and the Museum : Literature, Phenomenology, and the Production of Radical Temporality. Exhibiting atrocity : memorial museums and the politics of past violence / Museum frictions : public cultures/global transformations / Storytelling in museums / What is a museum? : perspectives from national and international museum leaders / Emotion and the Contemporary Museum Development of a Geographically-Informed Approach to Visitor Evaluation / Ecomuseums : a Sense of Place. Site as sight in the digital age : art, the museum,and representation / Museums, Societies and the Creation of Value. Fostering Empathy through Museums / Museum Educator's Handbook. Engaging heritage, engaging communities / Museums and heritage tourism : theory, practice and people / |
82 |
AM7 .A3 1937 | The civic value of museums / | 1 |
AM7 .A433 2013 | Museums of today. | 1 |
AM7 .A5 1995 | Museum masters : their museums and their influence / | 1 |
AM7 .A524 2020 |
Engaging Communities in Museums : Sharing Vision, Creation and Development / Engaging communities in museums : sharing vision, creation and development / |
2 |
AM7 .A534 2023 | Reinventing the Museum Relevance, Inclusion, and Global Responsibilities. | 1 |
AM7 .A63 2022 | Heritage, education and social justice / | 3 |
AM7 .A75 2013 | Mediating memory in the museum : trauma, empathy, nostalgia / | 1 |
AM7 .A75 2013e | Mediating memory in the museum : trauma, empathy, nostalgia / | 1 |
AM7 .B337 2017eb | Sentient relics : museums and cinematic affect / | 1 |
AM7 .B3425 2017 | Women in the museum : lessons from the workplace / | 1 |
AM7 .B353 2014 | The art of museum exhibitions : how story and imagination create aesthetic experiences / | 1 |
AM7 .B353 2014eb | The art of museum exhibitions : how story and imagination create aesthetic experiences / | 1 |
AM7 .B376 2016 | Museum representations of Maoist China : from Cultural Revolution to commie kitsch / | 1 |
AM7 .B383 2013 | Theatre and museums / | 1 |
AM7 .B385 2004 | Pasts beyond memory : evolution, museums, colonialism / | 1 |
AM7 .B385 2004eb | Pasts beyond memory : evolution, museums, colonialism / | 2 |
AM7 .B39 1993 | Exhibitions in museums / | 1 |
AM7 .B39 1995 | The birth of the museum : history, theory, politics / | 1 |
AM7 .B39 1995eb | The birth of the museum : history, theory, politics / | 1 |