Call Number (LC) Title Results
AP111 .M33 Madrid polĂ­tico. 1
AP115 .L9 Lys Mykyta. 1
AP115 .M5 Mitla = La Escoba. 1
AP200 .A74 Apples of gold : an illustrated weekly for the youngest readers. 1
AP200 .B68 The Boys' and girls' magazine, and fireside companion. 1
AP200 .C5 Children's magazine. 1
AP200 .C52 The child's magazine. 1
AP200 .C53 The child at home. 1
AP200 .F65 Frank Leslie's boys' and girls' weekly, an illustrated record of outdoor and home amusements. 1
AP200 .F7 Frank Leslie's boys of America. 1
AP200 .G66 Good cheer : for young and old. 1
AP200 .L57 The Little corporal. 1
AP200 .M5 Merry's museum for boys and girls. 1
AP200 .O8 Our young folks. 1
AP200 .O87 Our schoolday visitor. 1
AP200 .O9 Our young folks 1
AP200 .P3 Parley's magazine. 1
AP200 .P5 Peter Parley's annual. 1
AP200 .P55 The playmate. 1
AP200 .R6 (Office) The Riverside magazine for young people. 1