Call Number (LC) Title Results
ASI 2001 6066-27.78 Child abuse reported to the police 1
ASI 2001 6066-27.79 Juvenile delinquency and serious injury victimization 1
ASI 2001 6066-27.81 Crimes against children by babysitters 1
ASI 2001 6066-27.83 Gun use by male juveniles research and prevention / 1
ASI 2001 6066-27.84 Homicides of children and youth 1
ASI 2001 6068-386 Interstate Identification Index Name Check efficacy report of the National Task Force to the U.S. Attorney General. 1
ASI 2001 6068-400 Emerging issues on privatized prisons 1
ASI 2001 6248-15 Prison health care survey an analysis of factors influencing per capita costs / 1
ASI 2001 6264-12 Use of the Attorney General's parole authority under the Immigration and Nationality Act report to Congress. 1
ASI 2001 6308-23 Futurework, trends and challenges for work in the 21st century.
Futurework trends and challenges for work in the 21st century : Labor Day 1999 : a report of the United States Department of Labor, Alexis M. Herman, Secretary.
ASI 2001 6368-19 Wages, benefits, poverty line, and meeting workers' needs in the apparel and footwear industries of selected countries 1
ASI 2001 6408-79 An evaluation of the JTPA Section 401 Indian and Native American Program 2
ASI 2001 6726-1.171 News. results from the first three years of a longitudinal survey. 1
ASI 2001 6728-50 Working in the 21st century 1
ASI 2001 6788-81 Pilot survey on the incidence of child care resource and referral services in June 2000 1
ASI 2001 6828-36 Multifactor productivity measures for three-digit SIC manufacturing industries 1
ASI 2001 7008-71 Kosovo judicial assessment mission report 1
ASI 2001 7008-72 Report of audit review of INL-administered programs in Colombia. 1
ASI 2001 7306-10.45 U.S. Transportation Secretary Slater announces $4.8 million in grants for Arkansas transportation projects 1
ASI 2001 7306-10.46 U.S. Transportation Secretary Slater announces $61.6 million for states in bridge discretionary funds 1