ASI 4944-2
Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program annual report, fiscal year ... |
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ASI 4944-14
Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program annual report, fiscal year ... |
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ASI 5004-21
FY ... annual performance plan |
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ASI 5004-23
Annual report to Congress |
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ASI 5004-24
Department of Housing and Urban Development annual report on management of commercial activities FAIR Act administrative challenges and appeals / |
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ASI 5124-10
FY ... HOPWA formula allocations |
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ASI 5124-12
FY ...CPD formula allocations |
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ASI 5142-46
FHA portfolio analysis |
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ASI 5144-27
FY ... initial endorsement reports |
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ASI 5184-13
FY ... income limits for the public housing and Section 8 programs |
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ASI 5184-14
Estimated median family incomes for FY ... |
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ASI 5184-16
Fair market rents for the housing choice voucher program and moderate rehabilitation single room occupancy program, FY ... |
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ASI 5184-17
FY ... HUD income limits briefing material |
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ASI 5302-2
Semiannual report |
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ASI 5304-17
Recreational Fee Demonstration Program progress report to Congress, FY / |
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ASI 5304-20
FY ... annual performance plan, FY ... annual performance report |
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ASI 5502-1
Apportionment of federal aid in sport fish and wildlife restoration funds for FY ... |
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ASI 5504-8
Annual report of lands under control of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as of ... |
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ASI 5504-11
American woodcock population status |
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ASI 5504-28
Preliminary estimates of waterfowl harvest and hunter activity in the United States during the ... hunting season |
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