Call Number (LC) Title Results
AY201.C3 .B71 1669 An almanack of coelestiall motions for the year of the Christian aera, 1669. Being (in our account) second after leap-year, and from the creation 5618. Whose vulgar notes whereof are golden number 17. Roman indiction 07. dominical letter C [brackets] cycle of the sun 26. epact 07. numb. of direction 21. Calculated for the longitude of 315 gr. and 42 gr. 30 m. of North latitude. / 1
AY201.C3 D82 1668 An almanack of coelestial motions for the year of the Christian epocha, 1668. Being in our account first from leap-year, and from the creation 5617. Whose vulgar notes whereof are golden number 16 Roman indiction 06 dominical letter D [brackets] cycle of the sun 25 epact 26 number direction 01 : calculated for the longitude of 315 gr. and 42 gr. 30 m. North / 1
AY201.C3 F68 1675 [An] alm[anack of] coelestial moti[ons for the year of the] Chris[tian epocha,] 1[675] Being (in our a[ccount first from leap-year,] and from] th[e creation 5617.] The vulgar [notes ...] golden number 4 cycle of the sun 4 dominic. letter C [bracket] epact 14 Roman indict. 13 numb. directio[n] 14 : calculated for the longitude of 315 gr. and 42 gr. 30 m. north latitude. / 1
AY201.C3 R524 1671 An almanack of coelestiall motions for the year of the Christian aera, 1671. Being (in our account) leap-year, and from the creation 5620. The vulgar notes whereof are golden number 19. Roman indiction 09. Dominic. letter A.G [double bracket] Cycle of the sun 28. Epact 29. Numb. of direct. 33. Calculated for the longitude of 315 gr. and 42 gr. 30 m. north latitude. / 1
AY201.C3 R525 1670 An almanack of coelestiall motions for the year of the Christian aera, 1670. Being (in our account) third after leap-year, and from the creation 5619. The vulgar notes whereof are golden number 18. Roman indiction 08. Dominicall letter B. [double bracket] Cycle of the sun 27. Epact 18. Numb. of direct. 13. Calculated for the longitude of 315 gr. and 42 gr. 30 m. north latitude. / 1
AY201.C3 S54 1656 An almanack for the year of our Lord 1656 being first after leap year and from the creation 5588 : whole vulgar notes are golden number 4, cycle of the sun 13, Roman indict. 9, the epact. 14, dominicall letter E : calculated for the longitude of 315 gr. and 42 gr. 30 min: of N. lat. and may generally serve for the most part of New England / 1
AY201 .C52 1663 An almanack of the cœlestial motions for the year of the Christian æra 1663 being (in our account) bissextile, or leap-year, and from the creation 5612 : whose vulgar notes are ... fitted to New England longitude 315gr. and latitude 42 d. 30 m. / 2
AY201.D36 1679 An almanack or register of coelestial configurations &c. for the year of our Lord God 1679 and of the world 5628 being (in our account) leap year, and from the beginning of the reign of our Soveraign Lord Charles II by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, &c: the 31st year ... calculated for the longit. of 315 degr. and 42 degr. 30 min. north lat. in New England / 1
AY201.D36 1686 The New-England almanack for the year of our Lord, 1686, and of the world, 5635, since the planting of Massachusets Colony in New-England, 58, since the found of Harv. Coll., 44 whereof the golden number, epact and cycle of the sun are 13 and the dominicall letters C B being in our account the third from leap year. Kindly offering unto its country a particular prospect of the places of the planets, with the new-moons and other caelestial configurations and principall aspects, as also the moons, latitude, apogee and perigee, with the time of the rising and setting of both the luminarves and the hours and minutes of twilight ... with a brief register of severall memorable events of Providence in New-England /
The New-England almanack for the year of our Lord, 1686, and of the world, 5635, since the planting of Massachusets Colony in New-England, 58, since the found of Harv. Coll., 44. whereof the golden number, epact and cycle of the sun are 15 and the dominicall letters Cb being an account the third from leap year. Kindly offering unto its country a partcular prospect of the places of the planets, with the new-moons and other caelestial configurations and principall aspects, as also to the moons latitude ... with a brief register of severall memorable events of providence in New-England. / by S.D. Philomath.
AY201.D36 M32 1646 [MDCXLVI, an almanack for the year of our Lord] 1646 2
AY201.E27 B36 Bancroft's agricultural almanack : calculated on a new and improved plan, for the year of our Lord. 1
AY201 .F67 1680 MDCLXXX, an almanack of cœlestial motions for the year of the Christian æpocha, 1680 being in our account first after leap-year and from the creation, 5629 : calculated for the meridian of Boston in New-England .. 1
AY201.F67 1681 MDCLXXXI. An almanack of coelestial motions for the year of the Christian epocha, 1681 being in our account second after leap-year : and from the creation, 1630 ... calculated for the meridian of Boston in New-England, where the Artick Pole is elevated 42 degrees & 30 minutes /
MDCLXXXI. An almanack of coelestial motions for the year of the Christian epocha 1681 being in our account second after leap-year and from the creation 5630 ... calculated for the meridian of Boston in New-England where the Artick Pole is elevated 42 degrees & 30 minutes /
AY201.G55 1684 1684. The Boston ephemeris An almanack for the year MDCLXXXIV. and of the worlds creation 5633. Oppidi inchoati, 55. Being the first after Leap-year ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston in New-Engl. where the North Pole is elevated 42 gr. 30 m. longitude 315 gr. / 1
AY201.G74 C68 The country almanack, adapted to the convenience of farmers, for the year of our Lord. 1
AY201.G8 H69 Howe's genuine almanac, for the year of our Lord ... / 1
AY201.H37 1692 Boston almanack for the year of our Lord God 1692. being bissextile or leap-year and [brace] of the world 5641, since the flood 3985, suffering of Christ 1619, planting Massach. colony 64 ... calculated for the meridian of Boston in New-England where the North Pole is elevated 42 gr. 30 min / 1
AY201.L7 A94 Ayer's American almanac : for the use of farmers, planters, mechanics, and all families. 1
AY201.M38 1686 1686. The Boston ephemeris An almanack of coelestial motions of the sun & planets with some of the principal aspects for the year of the Christian era MDCLXXXVI. Being in our account the third after leap-year, and from the creation 5635 ... calculated for and fitted to the meridian of Boston in New-England, where the North Pole is elevated 42. gr. 21 m. / 1
AY201.M43 A46 An almanack, for the year of our Lord and Saviour ... / 1