Call Number (LC) Title Results
AY38 .L53 1999 Reportorio de los tiempos / 1
AY51.A55 H63 1673 1673. An almanack of celestial motions for the year of the Christian era 1673 being second after leap year, and from the creation 5622, the vulgar notes ... calculated for the longitude of 315 gr. & North latitude 42 gr. 30 m. / 1
AY51.A55 M38 1683 MDCLXXXIII. The Boston ephemeris An almanack for the (Dionysian) year of the Christian era. MDCLXXXIII. and of the worlds creation 5632, anno oppidi inchoati 53, of which the vulgar notes are ... serving the meridian of Boston in New-Engl. Latitude 42 gr. 30 min. Longitude 315 gr. 1
AY51.A672 S54 1672 An ephemeris of the coelestial motions for the year of the Christian epocha 1672. Whereto are numbred [sic] from the [brace] creation of the world ... calculated for the longitude of 315. gr. and elevation of the pole artick 42 gr. and 30 m. and may generally serve for the most part of New-England / 1
AY51.A678 B73 1678 An almanack of coelestial motions of the sun and planets, with their principal aspects, for the year of the Christian aera 1678 being in our account the third after leaf-year and from the creation, 5627 ... calculated for the longitude of 315. gr. and 42. gr. 30. min. of north latitude / 1
AY51.A678 F67 1678 1678. An almanack of coelestial motions for the year of the Christian epocha 1678 being (in our account) third after leap year, and from the creation 5627 ... calculated for the longitude of 315 fr. and 42 gr. 30 min. north-latitude / 1
AY51 .D36 1649 MDCXLIX. An almanack for the year of our Lord 1649 calculated for the longitude of 315 degr. and elevation of the pole arctick 42 degr. & 30 min. & may generally serve for the most part of New-England. / 1
AY51 .F67 1679 [An almanack of the coelestial motions for the year of the Christian epoch 1679] 1
AY53 .C52 1664 An almanack of the coelestial motions for the year of the Christian aera 1664 being in our account first from leap-year, and from the creation 5613 : whose vulgar notes are ... fitted to New-England longitude 315 gr. and latitude 42 gr. 30 m. / 1
AY53 .F44 1666 An almanack, or, Astronomical calculations of the most remarkable celestial revolutions, &c. visible in our horizon together with the Scripture and Jewish names (wherein though we agree not with their terms, yet we follow their order) for the ensuing year 1666 : being in our account third from leap-year, and from the creation 5615 : whose vulgar notes are ... calculated to N.E. longit. 315 degr. and latit. 42 degr. 30 min. / 1
AY53 .L83 1695 The New-England almanack for the year of Our Lord Christ, M DC XC V and of the world, 5644 being the third after leap year, and of the reign of Their Majesties (which began Feb. 13. 1688,9) the seventh year : calculated for the meridian of Boston in N.E. 69. deg. 20. min. to the westward of London, and 42. deg. 30. min. north latitude, and may serve for all New-England : to which are added some seasonable cautions against certain impieties and absurdities in Tulley's almanacks, giving a truer account of what may be expected from astrological praedictions : together with some choice, experimented, cheap, easy and parable receipts, of a general benefit to country people / 1
AY53.S4 N48 1685 New England almanack shewing the day of the month[l]ey prime, epact & dominical letter : with a table of the new moones for XXX years ... : calculated for the meridian of ye said province / 2
AY53 .T84 1694 Tulley 1694 an almanack for the year of our Lord MDCXCIII : being second after leap-year ... : wherein is contained astronomical observations from the suns ingress into Aries and the other cardinal points, with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions, and other configurations of the celestial bodies : to which is added the nativity of the French King ... : calculated and fitted to the meridian of Boston in New England ... but may indifferently serve any part of New England /
Tulley 1694 an almanack for the year of our Lord MDCXCIII : being second after leap-year ... : wherein is contained astronomical observations from the suns ingress into Aries and the other cardinal points, with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions, and other configurations of the celestial bodies : to which is added the nativity of the French King ... : calculated and fitted to the meridian of Boston in New England ... but may indifferently serve any part of New England /
AY55.A55 1685 MDCLXXXV. Cambridge ephemeris An almanack of the cœlestial motions for the year of the Christian æra, 1685 : being the [brace] Creation of the world 5634, Floud of Noah 3978, Suffering of Christ 1652, Laying found of Harv. Co. 43, Leap year (in our account) 2, whose vulgar notes are ... calculated for 315 degr. longitude. and latitude 42 degr. 30 min. north / 1
AY59 .F8 Funk & Wagnalls new standard encyclopedia year book. 1
AY59 .G7 The Great ideas today. 1
AY59 .H3 The Hasty papers. 1
AY59 .H3 1999 f The Hasty papers / 1
AY64 .A4 An almanac and encyclopedia for ... containing a vast amount of information concerning the government, finances, population, production, trade, transportation, and general statistics of the United States with some notice of other countries. 1
AY64 .A55 An American almanac and treasury of facts, statistical, financial, and political, for the year. 1