Call Number (LC) Title Results
AY751 .F73 1620 Friend 1620 a new almanacke and prognostication wherein you may behold the state of this present yeare of our Lord God, 1620, being bissextile or leape-yeare : calculated for the citty of London, and generally for all England / 1
AY751 .F73 1622 Friend 1622 a new almanacke and prognostication wherein you may behold the state of this present yeere 1622, being the second from the bissext[i]le or leape-yeare : calculated for the latitude and meridian of the honorable city of London / 1
AY751 .F73 1623 Friend 1623 a new almanacke and prognostication, with the accompt be[y?]ond seas : wherin you may behold the state of this present yeare 1623, being the third from the leap-yeare : calculated for the latitude and meridian of the honourable citie of London / 1
AY751 .G3 1689 Gallen 1689 A complete pocket almanack for the year of our Lord, 1689. Being the first after leap-year. Containing the lunations, eclipses, aspects of the planets, and inclination of the air. And accommodated with variety of necessary rules, tables and directions, sutable to all mens occasions. With the measuring of land, and gauging of vessels of all sorts. Also the fairs and roads in England and Wales, alphabetically disposed, in a more plain and orderly manner, than they were ever yet published in. / 1
AY751 .G32 1656 Speculum astrologicum, or, An astrological glasse representing the state of the yeare of humane redemption, 1656 ... chiefly referred to the zenith of the ... university and city of Oxford ..., / 2
AY751 .G32 1657 Speculum astrologicum, or, An astrological glasse representing the year 1657 with astrological judgments thereon and tables astronomical, observations chronological very usefull : as also the rising and setting of the moon, aspects of the planets, and time of high-water at London Bridge every day in the year : referred chiefly to the meridian of the famous and flourishing university and city of Oxford, whose latitude is 51d. 42m. / 2
AY751 .G32 1659 Ephēmeris, or, A diary of the cœlestial motions for the year 1659 the state of the year : with diverse astrological and chronological observations : also a table of houses with the ready use thereof enabling an ordinary capacity to the erecting a figure of heaven for any time whatsoever / 2
AY751 .G32 1660 Ephēmeris, or, A diary for the year 1660 2
AY751 .G32 1663 Ephemeris, or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of grace 1663 ... 2
AY751 .G32 1664 Ephemeris, or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of grace 1664 ... 2
AY751.G32 1668 Ephemeris, or, A diary (astronomical and astrological) for the year of grace 1668 it being the bissextile or leap-year ... / 2
AY751 .G32 1670 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 1670 in two parts / 2
AY751 .G32 1671 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of grace 1671 being the third after the leap-year / 2
AY751 .G32 1672 Gallen 1672 a new almanack for the said year ... / 2
AY751 .G32 1673 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 1673 made public for the advantage of artists and illustration of astrology : with a catalogue of all the monarchs which have reigned over Great Brittain since the time of K. Edgar / 2
AY751 .G32 1674 The VVest India, or Jamaica almanack 1674 ... 2
AY751 .G32 1676 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical and meteorological for the year of grace 1676 2
AY751 .G32 1678 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical and meteorological for the year of our Lord 1678 being the second after leap-year : with prædictions and experiments astrological : also rules directing how this ephemeris may be reduced to the meridians of Jamaica, Barbado's &c. /
Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical and meteorological for the year of our Lord 1678 being the second after leap-year : with prædictions and experiments astrological : also rules directing how this ephemeris may be reduced to the meridians of Jamaica, Barbado's &c./
AY751 .G32 1685 Ephemeris, or, A diary, astronomical, astrological, meteorolgical for the year of our Lord, 1685 ... it being the first after bissextile, or leap-year ... / 2
AY751 .G32 1690 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 1690 being the second after bissextile, or leap-year / 2