Call Number (LC) Title Results
AY751 .G32 1691 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 1691 being the third after bissextile, or leap-year / 2
AY751 .G32 1692 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 1692 it being bissextile, or leap-year / 2
AY751 .G32 1693 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 1693 being the first after bissextile, or leap-year / 2
AY751 .G32 1695 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of grace 1695 being the third year after leap-year / 2
AY751 .G32 1696 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 1696 it being the bissextile, or leap-year / 2
AY751 .G32 1698 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 1698 it being the second after bissextile, or leap-year / 2
AY751 .G32 1699 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 1699 being the third from bissextile, or leap-year / 2
AY751 .G32 1700 Ephemeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1700 ... 2
AY751.G32 E63 1662 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of grace 1662 containing 1. The motions and aspects of the planets, and eclipses of the luminaries, full sea, &c., 2. An astrological account of what the stars portend to these islands the ensuing years, 3. A probable demonstration of the ascendent of England, & London in particular / 2
AY751.G32 E63 1669 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of humane redemption by Jesus Christ 1669 being the first after the leap-year ... / 2
AY751.G32 E63 1672 Ephēmeris, or, A diary [brace] astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of grace 1672 it being the bissextile, or leap-year : wherein you may observe, I. The motions and configurations of the sun, moon and stars, eclipses, terms, tides, sunrising, length of the day, and twilight, &c., II. The scheam of the worlds revolution, and a brief judgment on the probable state of the year, with the revolution of the noble island of Jamaica, III. An hundred aphorisms relating to nativities, transferred from my Collectio geniturarum, hither, for the advantage of such cannot go to the price of that book, IV. The truth of astrology evinced by a famous example, taken out of the great Duke of Guises Memoires /
Ephēmeris, or, A diary [brace] astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of grace 1672 it being the bissextile, or leap-year : wherein you may observe, I. The motions and configurations of the sun, moon and stars, eclipses, terms, tides, sunrising, length of the day, and twilight, &c., II. The scheam of the worlds revolution, and a brief judgment on the probable state of the year, with the revolution of the noble island of Jamaica, III. An hundred aphorisms relating to nativities, transferred from my Collectio geniturarum, hither, for the advantage of such cannot go to the price of that book, IV. The truth of astrology evinced by a famous example, taken out of the great Duke of Guises Memoires /
AY751.G32 E63 1674 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 1674 2
AY751.G32 E63 1687 Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meterological for the year of our Lord God 1687 ... the third after leap-year : containing a discourse touching the holy feast of Easter, the birth-days of diverse illustrious persons ... together with the planets motions and aspects, eclipses, sun-rise &c. / 2
AY751 .G34 1642 Gallen 1642 an almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our God 1641 ... / 2
AY751 .G34 1647 Gallen. 1647. A new almanack for the said year. : Usefull for the kingdome of Great Britain: containing directions to such that use marts anfairs, also to travellers that coast the kingdome, with other notes of good consequence. / 1
AY751 .G34 1658 Gallen 1658 a new almanack for the said year ... / 2
AY751 .G34 1690 A new perpetual almanack beginning anno do. 1690
Gallen, 1690. A complete pocket almanack for the year of our Lord, 1690. Being the second after leap-year. : Containing the lunations, lclipses, lspects of the llanets, and lnclination of the air. And accommodated with variety of necessary rules, tables and directions, sutable to all mens occasions. with the measuring of land, and gauging of vessels of all sorts. Also the fairs and roads in England and Wales, alphabetically disposed, in a more plain and orderly manner than they were ever yet published in. /
AY751.G34 G34 1643 Gallen 1643 an almanack and prognostication for the yeare of God 1643 : being the third after leap-yeare : the most usefull now extant and so ordered that it will serve for any part of England /
Gallen 1643, an almanack and prognostication for the yeare of God 1643 : being the third after leap-yeare : the most usefull now extant and so ordered that it will serve for any part of England /
AY751.G35 1648 Gallen. 1648. A new almanack for the said year. Usefull for the kingdome of Great Britain containing directions to such that use marts and fairs, also to travellers that coast the kingdome, with other notes of good consequence / 1
AY751 .G35 1662 Gallen 1662 a new almanack for the said year, being the second from leap year : containing the lunations, eclipses, aspects of the planets, and daily disposition of the aire : with directions to such as use marts or faires, also to travellers that coast the kingdome : latel amplified with many notes of good consequence / 1