Call Number (LC) Title Results
AY751 .N48 1633 Neue, 1633 a new almanacke and prognostication, with the forraine computation seruing for the yeere of our Lord God & sauiour Iesus Christ, 1633, being the first yeere after the bissextile or leape-yeere : rectified for the eleuation of the pole articke and meridian of the ancient & famous city of Norvvich, and may serue generally for the most parts of Great Britaine / 1
AY751 .N48 1634 Neue 1634 a new almanacke, and prognostication, with the forraigne computation, serving for the yeere of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ 1634, being the second after the bissextile or leape yeere : rectified for the elevation of the pole Articke, and meridian of the ancient and famous city of Norwich, and may serve generally for the most parts of Great Brittaine / 1
AY751 .N48 1635 Neve, 1635. A new almanack and prognostication, with the forraigne computation serving for the yeere of our Lord God, and Saviour Iesus Christ, 1635. Being the third from the bissextile or leape yeere. Rectified for the elevation of the pole artick, and meridian of the ancient and famous citty of Norwich, and will serve without any sensible error the whole kingdome of Great Brittaine. / 1
AY751 .N48 1636 Neue 1636 a new almanack and prognostication, with the forraigne computation serving for the yeere of our Lord God, and Saviour Iesus Christ, 1636, being the bissextile or leape yeere : rectified for the elevation of the pole Artick, and meridian of the ancient and famous citty of Norwich, and will serve without any sensible error, the whole kingdome of Great Brittaine / 1
AY751 .N48 1638 Neve, 1638 a new almanacke and prognostication, with the forraigne computation serving for the yeere of our Lord God, and saviour Iesus Christ, 1638, being the second after the bissextile or leap yeere : rectified for the elevation of the pole artick and meridian of the ancient and famous city of Norwich, and may serve generally for the most parts of Great Britaine / 1
AY751 .N48 1639 Neve, 1639 a new almanack and prognostication, with the forraigne computation serving for the yeere of our Lord God, and saviour Iesus Christ, 1639, being the third after the bissextile or leape-yeere : rectified for the elevation of the pole artike and meridian of the ancient and famous city of Norwich, and may serue generally for the most parts of Great Britaine / 1
AY751 .N48 1641 Neve 1641 a new almanack and prognostication with the forraigne computation serving for the yeere of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ 1641 ... / 2
AY751 .N48 1642 Neve 1642 a new almanacke and prognostication with the forraigne computation serving for the yeare of our Lord Jesus Christ 1642 ... / 2
AY751 .N48 1654 Neve 1654 a new almanack and prognostication serving for the year of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1654 ... calculated ... for the ... meridian of ... Norwich ... / 2
AY751 .N48 1655 Neve 1655 a new almanack and prognostication serving for the year of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1655 ... calculated ... for the ... meridian of ... Norwich ... / 2
AY751 .N48 1656 Neve 1656 a new almanack and prognostication serving for the year of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1656 ... calculated ... for the ... meridian of ... Norwich ... / 2
AY751 .N48 1657 Neve 1657 a new almanack and prognostication serving for the year of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1657 ... calculated ... for the ... meridian of ... Norwich ... / 2
AY751 .N48 1658 Neve 1658 a new almanack and prognostication serving for the year of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1658 ... calculated ... for the ... meridian of ... Norwich ... / 2
AY751 .N48 1659 Neve 1659 a new almanack and prognostication serving for the year of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1659 ... calculated ... for the ... meridian of ... Norwich ... / 2
AY751 .N48 1665 Neve 1665 a new almanack and prognostication serving for the year of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 1665 ... : calculated and exactly rectified for ... Norwich and may serve generally for the most part of Great Britain / 2
AY751 .N48 1666 Neve 1666 a new almanacke and prognostication serving for the year of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1666 ... calculated ... for the ... meridian of ... Norwich ... / 2
AY751 .N48 1667 Neve 1667 a new almanack and prognostication serving for the year of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1667 ... calculated ... for the ... city of Norwich ... / 2
AY751 .N48 1668 Merlinus verax, or, A new almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 1668 it being the bissextile, or leap-year ... / 2
AY751 .N48 1670 Merlinus verax, or, An almanack for the year of humane redemption by Jesus Christ 1670 ... 2
AY751 .N48 1671 Merlinus verax, or, An almanack for the year of humane redemption by Jesus Christ, 1671 wherein for the whole year round may be found the moons place and change, the variation of the air, terms and their returns, eclipses, solar ingresses, with sundry other useful observations : together with the natural significations and aspects of the planets as they relate to men and women that are born under them / 2