Call Number (LC) Title Results
AY751 .R58 1629 Rivers. 1629. A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare since the Nativitie of Christ MDCXXIX. Beeing the third after leape-yeare. Calculated for the Vniversitie of Cambridge: and may generally serve for the whole ile of Great Britaine. / 1
AY751 .R58 1631 Rivers 1631 a new almanack for the yeare since the nativitie of our Saviour MDCXXXI, being the third after leap-yeare : calculated for the famous Vniversitie and towne of Cambridge, and may generally serve for the whole isle of Great Britain /
Rivers 1630. A new almanacke for the yeare since the nativitie of our Saviour MDCXXX, [being the third after leap-yeare.] Calculated for the famous vniversitie and towne of Cambridge; and may generally serve for the whole isle of Great Britain. /
AY751 .R58 1633 Rivers 1633. A new almanack for the yeare since the nativitie of our Saviour MDCXXXIII. Being the first after the leap-yeare. : Calculated for the famous Vniversitie and towne of Cambridge; and may generally serve for the whole isle of Great Britain. / 1
AY751 .R58 1637 [Peregrine Rivers 1637 1
AY751 .R58 1638 Rivers 1638. An almanack for the yeare of our Lord Christ MDCXXXVIII. Being the second yeare after bissextile or leap-yeare, and since the creation of the world 5587. Calculated for the famous universitie and towne of Cambridge; and may generally serve for the whole isle of great Britain. / 1
AY751 .R58 1640 Rivers, an almanack for the yeare of our Lord Christ MDCXL being the bissextile or leap-yeare, and since the creation of the vvorld 5589 : calculated for the famous universitie and tovvn of Cambridge, and may generally serve for the vvhole isle of Great Britain / 1
AY751.R6 R67 1686 Rose, 1686 a new almanack for the year from the nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1686 ... / 2
AY751 .R62 1639 [Roberts 1639] 1
AY751 .R62 1669 Poor Robin 1669 an almanack after a new fashion : wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation : being the first after bissextile, or leap-year : containing a two-fold kalendar, viz. the Julian, or English, and the roundheads, or fanaticks : with their several saints days, and observations upon every moneth / 2
AY751 .R62 1671 Poor Robin 1671 an almanack after a new fashion : wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation : being the 3d after bissextile, or leap-year : containing a two-fold kalendar, viz. the Julian, or English, and the round-heads, or fanaticks : with their several saints days, and observations upon every moneth / 2
AY751 .R62 1672 Poor Robin 1672 an almanack after a new fashion : wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation : being the bissextile,or leap-year : containing a two-fold kalendar, viz. the Julian, or English, and the round-heads, or fanaticks : with their several saints days, and observations upon every moneth / 2
AY751 .R62 1674 Poor Robin 1674 an almanack after a new fashion : wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation : being the 2d after bissextile, or leap-year : containing a two-fold kalendar, viz. the Julian, or English, and the round-heads, or fanaticks : with their several saints days, and observations upon every moneth / 2
AY751 .R62 1677 Poor Robin 1677 an almanack after a new fashion : wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation : being the first after bissextile, or leap-year : containing a two-fold kalendar, viz. the Julian, or English, and the round-heads, or fanaticks : with their several saints days, and observations upon every month / 2
AY751 .R62 1678 Poor Robin 1678 an almanack after a new fashion ... containing a two-fold kalendar, viz. : the Julian or English, and the round-heads, fanaticks, or maggot-headed people with their several saints-days and observations upon every month / 2
AY751 .R62 1679 Poor Robin 1679 an almanack of the old and new fashion : wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation ... containing a two-fold kalendar, viz. the Julian or English and the round heads ... with their several saints days ... / 2
AY751 .R62 1682 Poor Robin 1682 an almanack after a new fashion : wherein the reader may see (having before cleared his eyesight with a good mornings draught) many remarkable things worthy of precious observation : containing a twofold kalendar, viz. the Julian, or English, and the roundheads, fanaticks, whimzy-pated, or maggot-head people : with their several saints-days, and observations upon every month / 2
AY751 .R62 1686 Poor Robin 1686 an almanack of the old and new fashion : wherein the reader may find (unless he be very dull or stark blind) many remarkable things worthy of his choicest observation : containing a two-fold kalendar, viz. the Julian English, or old account and the round-heads ... new account with their several saints-days ... / 2
AY751 .R62 1689 Poor Robin 1689 an almanack of the old and new fashion : wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of his choicest observation : containing a two-fold kalendar, viz. the Julian, English, or old account, and the round-heads, fanaticks, or maggot-headed new account : with their several saints days, and observations upon every month : being the first after bissextile or leap-year / 2
AY751 .R62 1691 Poor Robin 1691 an almanack of the old and new fashion : wherein the reader may see (with due observation, and a right understanding) many remarkable things for his information : containing a twofold kalendar, viz. the Julian, English, or old account, and the round-heads, whimzy-heads, maggot-heads, paper-scull'd fanaticks, or new account, with their several saints days, and observations upon every month : being the third after bissextile or leap-year / /
Poor Robin 1691 an almanack of the old and new fashion : wherein the reader may see (with due observation, and a right understanding) many remarkable things for his information : containing a twofold kalendar, viz. the Julian, English, or old account, and the round-heads, whimzy-heads, maggot-heads, paper-scull'd fanaticks, or new account, with their several saints days, and observations upon every month : being the third after bissextile or leap-year /
AY751 .R62 1692 Poor Robin 1692 an almanack of the old new fashion, or, an ephemeris both in jest and earnest ... / 2