Call Number (LC) Title Results
AY751 .R62 1693 Poor Robin 1693 an almanack of the old and new fashion, or, Ephemeris both in jest and earnest, wherein the reader may find (with a due and right observation of what he reads) many excellent remarkable things worthy his choicest observation : containing a twofold kalendar, viz. the Julian, English, or old account, and the round-heads, whimzey heads, maggot-heads, paper-scull'd, slender-witted, fanatick, or new account : with their several saints-days, and observations upon every month : being the first after bissextile, or leap-year /
Poor Robin 1693 an almanack of the old and new fashion, or, Ephemeris both in jest and earnest, wherein the reader may find (with a due and right observation of what he reads) many excellent remarkable things worthy his choicest observation : containing a twofold kalendar, viz. the Julian, English, or old account, and the round-heads, whimzey heads, maggot-heads, paper-scull'd, slender-witted, fanatick, or new account : with their several saints-days, and observations upon every month : being the first after bissextile, or leap-year /
AY751 .R62 1696 Poor Robin 1696 an almanack of the old and new fashion, or, An ephemeris jestingly solid, and jocosively serious, wherein the reader may find (if he be elevated two degrees beyond hobbadeboody's capacity) many excellent, remarkable things, worthy his choicest observation : containing a twofold kalendar, viz. the Julian, English, or old account, and the round-heads, whimzey-heads, maggot-heads, paper-scull'd, slender-witted, muggletonian, or fanatick account, with their several saints days, and observation upon every month : being the bissextile, or leaping-year /
Poor Robin 1696 an almanack of the old and new fashion, or, An ephemeris jestingly solid, and jocosively serious, wherein the reader may find (if he be elevated two degrees beyond hobbadeboody's capacity) many excellent, remarkable things, worthy his choicest observation : containing a twofold kalendar, viz. the Julian, English, or old account, and the round-heads, whimzey-heads, maggot-heads, paper-scull'd, slender-witted, muggletonian, or fanatick account, with their several saints days, and observation upon every month : being the bissextile, or leaping-year /
AY751 .R62 1697 Poor Robin 1697 An almanack of the old and new fashion, or, An ephemeris both in jest and earnest, wherein the reader may see (with a due regard, and right understanding of what he reads) many remarkable things for his information : containing a two-fold calendar, viz. the Julian, English, or old account, and the round-heads, whimzey-heads, maggot-heads, paper-scull'd, fanaticks, or new account, with their several saints days, and observations upon every month : being the first after bissextile, or leap-year /
Poor Robin 1697 An almanack of the old and new fashion, or, An ephemeris both in jest and earnest, wherein the reader may see (with a due regard, and right understanding of what he reads) many remarkable things for his information : containing a two-fold calendar, viz. the Julian, English, or old account, and the round-heads, whimzey-heads, maggot-heads, paper-scull'd, fanaticks, or new account, with their several saints days, and observations upon every month : being the first after bissextile, or leap-year /
AY751 .R62 1698 Poor Robin 1698 An almanack of the old and new fashion, or, An ephemeris both in jest and earnest, wherein the reader may see (unless he be willfully blind and will not see) many remarkable things for his information worthy of due consideraion : containing a two-fold calendar, viz. the Julian, English, or old account, and the round-heads, whimzey-heads, maggot-heads, paper-scull'd, fanaticks, or new account, with their several saints-days, and observations upon every month : being the second after the bissextile, or leap-year /
Poor Robin 1698 An almanack of the old and new fashion, or, An ephemeris both in jest and earnest, wherein the reader may see (unless he be willfully blind and will not see) many remarkable things for his information worthy of due consideraion : containing a two-fold calendar, viz. the Julian, English, or old account, and the round-heads, whimzey-heads, maggot-heads, paper-scull'd, fanaticks, or new account, with their several saints-days, and observations upon every month : being the second after the bissextile, or leap-year /
AY751 .R62 1699 Poor Robin 1699 An almanack of the old and new fashion, or, An ephemeris both in jest and earnest, wherein the reader may find (if he carefully mine what is herein written) many remarkable things worthy of his choice observation : containing a two-fold calendar, viz. the old, honest, Julian, or English account, and the round-heads, whimzey-heads, maggot-heads, paper-scull'd, fanaticks, or new account, with their several saints days, and observations upon every month : being the third after the bissextile, or leap-year /
Poor Robin 1699 An almanack of the old and new fashion, or, An ephemeris both in jest and earnest, wherein the reader may find (if he carefully mine what is herein written) many remarkable things worthy of his choice observation : containing a two-fold calendar, viz. the old, honest, Julian, or English account, and the round-heads, whimzey-heads, maggot-heads, paper-scull'd, fanaticks, or new account, with their several saints days, and observations upon every month : being the third after the bissextile, or leap-year /
AY751 .R62 1700 Poor Robin 1700 An almanack of the old and new fashion, or, An ephemeris both in jest and earnest, wherein the reader may find (if he carefully mind what is written herein) many remarkable things worthy of his choicest observation : containing a two-fold calendar, viz. the old, honest, Julian, or English account, and the round-heads, whimzey-heads, maggot-pated, paper-scull'd, fanaticks, or new account, with their several saints days, and observations upon every month : being the bissextile or leap-year /
Poor Robin 1700 An almanack of the old and new fashion, or, An ephemeris both in jest and earnest, wherein the reader may find (if he carefully mind what is written herein) many remarkable things worthy of his choicest observation : containing a two-fold calendar, viz. the old, honest, Julian, or English account, and the round-heads, whimzey-heads, maggot-pated, paper-scull'd, fanaticks, or new account, with their several saints days, and observations upon every month : being the bissextile or leap-year /
AY751 .R63 1561 [Rogeford 1561] 1
AY751.R63 A55 1664 An almanack after a new fashion wherein the reader may see (if he be not blinde) many remarkable things worthy of observation : containing a two-fold kalender, viz. the Julian or English, and the round-heads or fanaticks, with their several saints daies, and observations upon every month : calculated for the meridian of Saffron-Walden, where the pole is elevated 52 degrees and 6 minutes above the horizon / 2
AY751.R63 A55 1665 An almanack after a new fashion being the first after bissextile, or leap-year : wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation : containing a two-fold kalender, viz. the Julian or English, and the round-heads or fanaticks, with their several saints daies, and observations upon every month : calculated for the meridian of Saffron-Walden, where the pole is elevated 62 degrees and 6 digits above the horizon / /
An almanack after a new fashion being the first after bissextile, or leap-year : wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation : containing a two-fold kalender, viz. the Julian or English, and the round-heads or fanaticks, with their several saints daies, and observations upon every month : calculated for the meridian of Saffron-Walden, where the pole is elevated 62 degrees and 6 digits above the horizon /
AY751.R63 A55 1667 An almanack after a new fashion wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation : being the third after bissextile or leap-year : containing a two-fold kalender, viz. the Julian or English, and the round-heads or fanaticks, with their several saints daies, and observations upon every month : in a more exact method then heretofore : calculated for the meridian of Saffron-Walden, where the May-pole is elevated (with a plumm cake on the top of it) 5 yards 3/4 above the marker-cross /
An almanack after a new fashion wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation : being the third after bissextile or leap-year : containing a two-fold kalender, viz. the Julian or English, and the round-heads or fanaticks, with their several saints daies, and observations upon every month : in a more exact method then heretofore : calculated for the meridian of Saffron-Walden, where the May-pole is elevated (with a plumm cake on the top of it) 5 yards 3/4 above the marker-cross /
AY751.R63 A55 1676 An almanack after a new fashion wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation ... containing a two-fold kalendar, viz. the Julian or English, and the round-heads or fanaticks, with their several saints days, and observations upon every month / 2
AY751 .R67 1656 Rose, 1656 a new almanack for the year ... 1656 ... calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of London ... and may serve for any other part of England / 2
AY751 .R67 1662 Rose, 1662 a new almanack for the year ... 1662 ... calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of London ... and may serve for any other part of England / 2
AY751 .R67 1664 Rose, 1664 a new almanack for the year ... 1664 ... calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of London ... and may serve for any other part of England / 2
AY751 .R67 1665 Rose, 1665 a new almanack for the year ... 1665 ... calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of London ... and may serve for any other part of England / 2
AY751 .R67 1666 Rose, 1666 a new almanack for the year ... 1666 ... calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of London ... and may serve for any other part of England / 2
AY751 .R67 1667 Rose, 1667 a new almanack for the year ... 1667 ... calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of London ... and may serve for any other part of England / 2
AY751 .R67 1668 Rose, 1668 a new almanack for the year ... 1668 ... calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of London ... and may serve for any other part of England / 2
AY751 .R67 1669 Rose, 1669 a new almanack for the year ... 1669 ... calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of London ... and may serve for any other part of England / 2
AY751 .R67 1670 Rose, 1670 a new almanack for the year ... 1670 ... calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of London ... and may serve for any other part of England / 2