AY751 .A54 1640
Allestree 1640 a new almanack and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1640, being the bissextile or leap yeere : calculated and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the pole Artick of 51 deg. and 32 min., and may generally serve for the whole ile of Great Brittain / |
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AY751.A55 B66 1648
Uranoscopia no Wharton or Navvorth, but an almanack & prognostication or a prospective glasse for the yeare of Christ, 1648 ... in which you may view the whole state and condition of the same, and wherein all the lunations, planetary motions, conjunctions, aspects and configurations, together with eclipses & their effects are astrologically handled, latitude of 51 degrees, 32 minutes, and longitude 24 degrees, 20 minutes, agreeing / |
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AY751.A55 C33 1648
Chamberlaine 1648 a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord, 1648 quiest annus bisextilis seu intercalaris, or leap yeare, the astronomical calendar being principally referred to the meridian and latitude of Bury St. Edmundas, in Suffolke, where the pole articke is elevated 52 degrees, and may serve generally for all / |
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AY751.A55 D66 1643
Speculum anni à partu virginis or An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1643: Being the third after bissextile, or leap-yeare: and for the worlds creation 5658, calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degr. 17 min. |
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AY751.A55 D66 1645
Speculum anni à partu virginis MDC XLV. or An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1645: Being the next after bissextile or leap-year. Wherein is contained a probable conjecture of the temper of the foure seasons, all the lunations, planetary configurations, celestiall observations, & astrological predictions concerning the weather in every moneth of this yeare. Calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52. degr. 17. min. |
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AY751.A55 D66 1647
Speculum anni à partu virginis MDCXLVII. or An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1647. Being the third after bissextile or leap-yeare, and for the worlds creation. 5657, calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52. degr. 17. min. But may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdome. |
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AY751.A55 D66 1648
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCXLVIII, or, An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1648 : being bissextile, or leap-yeare, and for the worlds creation 5658, calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degr 17 min, but may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdome. |
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AY751.A55 G35 1675
A new almanack for the said year, being the first after the leap-year. Containing the lunations, eclipses, aspects of the planets, and daily disposition of the air. With directions to such as use marts or fairs, also to travellers that coast the kingdom. Lately amplified with many notes of good consequence. / |
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AY751.A55 L36 1648
Langley 1648 a new almanack and prognostication for this present year, being bissextile or leap-year, contriving the state of the year with many excellent notes and rules of good consequence, rectified for the meridian of the famous mayer towne of Shrewsbury, and generally for all the north west parts of Great Britaine / |
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AY751.A55 L39 1648
Speculum anni, or, A glasse in which you may behold the revolution of the yeare of our Lord God MDCXLVIII being the bissextile or leap-yeare, shewing all the notable aspects of the planets with the moon, as also among themselves, with the eclipses, and other notable conjunctions, which are to be seen in the heavens, this present yeare, 1648, also other tables astronomicall exactly calculated for the same yeare, rectified especially for the longitude and latitude of the most famous and renowned city of London and may indifferently serve for the whole kingdome of England without any notable difference / |
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AY751.A55 L45 1648
Merlini anglici ephemeris 1648 no positive, but a naturall astrologicall conjecture of the most materiall affaires of England, Scotland and Ireland, monthly observations throughout the whole yeer, observable predictions concerning the casuall occurrences of Germany, Spaine, Italy, France and the states of Holland / |
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AY751.A55 N4 1648
Neve 1648 a new almanack and prognostication serving for the yeare of our Lord God and saviour Jesus Christ, 1648 wherein is contained a double kalender viz. the English or Julian accompt, and Gregoriam and Forraigne computation with the change of the moon, her full and quarters, and other necessary observations convenient to be noted being bissextile or leap-yeare calculated and exactly rectified for the elevation of the pole artick and meridian of the ancient and famous city of Norwich and may serve generally for the most part of great Britaine / |
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AY751.A55 N9 1648
Nye 1648 a new almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord 1648 being the leap year calculated exactly for the meridian of the faire and populous town of Birmicham in Warwickshire, where the pole is elevated above the horizon 52 deg and 36 min this being the middle-most town in all Engand / |
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AY751.A55 P3 1648
Almanah, or, An almanack for the yeer of our Lord God 1648 being bissextile, or leap-year containing the daily motions and aspects of the sunne and moon, with the mutuall syzygies of the planets, calculated for the meridian of London where the elevation of the Pole is 51 degrees 32 minutes / |
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AY751.A55 P66 1648
Pond's almanack for the yeare of our Lord Christ 1648 being bissextile or leap-yeare and since the creation of the world 5570, amplified with many things of very good use both for pleasure and profit. |
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AY751.A55 P74 1691
The Protestant almanack for the year 1691 since [brace] the creation of the world 5697, the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1691, England received the Christian faith 1501, Martin Luther wrote against the pope 175, our deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth 132, the horrid design of the gun-powder plot 86, the burning of the city of London 25, our second deliverance from popery by K. Will. & Q. Mary 3 : being the third after bissextile or leap-year, wherein the bloody aspects, fatal oppositions, diabolical conjunctions and pernicious revolutions of the papacy against the Lord and his annointed, are described ... calculated according to art, for the meridian of Babylon, where the Pope is elevated an hundred and fifty degrees above all reason, right and religion, above kings, canons, councels, conscience, and every thing therein called God ... and may without sensible errour, indifferently serve the whole papacy / |
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AY751.A55 R52 1671
Riders 1671 Brittish merlin bedeckt with many delightful varieties and useful verities, fitting the longitude and latitude of all capacities within the islands of Great Brittains monarchy and chronological observations of principal note to his year 1671 being the ed. after bissextile or leap-year, with notes of husbandry, physick, fairs, and marts, directions, and tables to all necessary uses / |
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AY751.A55 R67 1700
Rose 1700 a new almanack for the year from the nativity of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ, 1700 being the bissextile or leap-year and from the creation of the world, 5649 calculated for the meridian of the honourable city of London whole latitute is 51 degrees 32 minutes and may serve for any other part of England / |
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AY751.A55 R74 1691
Riders (1691) British merlin bedeckt with many delightful varieties and useful verities, fitting the longitude and latitude of all capacities within the islands of Great Britain's monarchy, with chronological observations of principal note to this year 1691, being the third from bissextile or leap-year, to which is added the sun and moons rising & setting, also useful notes of husbandry, fayrs, & physick, marts, and directions & tables to all necessary uses / |
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AY751.A55 S77 1648
Staynred an almanack for the yeare of our redemption 1648, being bissextile or leape-yeare, referred to the famous city of Bristoll whose longitude is 19 deg. 10 min. and latitude by exact observation 51 degr. 28 minutes / |
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