Call Number (LC) Title Results
AY751.A55 V38 1648 Vaux 1648 a new almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1648 being the bissextile or leape yeare, calculated for the meridian of St. Hellen Awcland, within the county of Durham where the pole is mounted above the horizon 54 degrees and 45 minutes / 1
AY751.A55 W Wing 1648 an almanack and prognostication for the year of 1648 being the bissextile or leap-yeare and from the creation of the world 5597, wherein is contained many usefull pleasant and necessary observations being very delectable and are easie to be understood of all sorts of men ... calculated (according to art) for the meridian and latitude of Belvoir-Castle in Lincolnshire whose longitude is 20 deg, 0 min, latitude 52 deg, 52 min and without sensible errour may serve the 3 kingdoms of England, Scotland and Iceland / 1
AY751.A55 W33 1648 No merline, nor mercury but a new almanack after the old fashion for the year of our redemption, 1648 being the bissextile or leap-yeare and from the creation, 5597, containing a compendious chronology of all the battles, sieges and other remarkable conflicts, which have happened in this kingdom since the begining of those unhappy troubles with other notes necessary for such a work, calculated and composed for the latitude meridian of the famous burrough of Kirkby-Kendall in the county of Westmorland / 1
AY751.A55 W48 1648 White 1648 a new almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord Christ, 1648 being the bissextile or the leape year wherein is contained variety of matter worth the observation, calculated for the meridian of the most honourable city of London and will serve generally for the monarchy of Great Britaine / 1
AY751.A55 W66 1648 Woodhouse 1648 his almanacke for the yeare of our Lord 1648, being leape yeare serving generally for any place of Great Brittaine and the kingdome of Ireland / 1
AY751 .A56 1521 [Anno. d[omi]ni. M. CCCCC. XXI] 1
AY751 .A56 1534 [Anno d[omi]ni. M. CCCCC. XXXIIII] 1
AY751 .A6 [April. i a swete raine.] 1
AY751 .A8 [December hath XXX dayes] 1
AY751 .A83 1640 Ashwell, 1640 a new almanacke for the yeare of our Lord Christ, 1640, being the bissextile, or leap-yeere : wherein are inserted many things of speciall note and necessary use, never heretofore written by any : as also a plaine and perfect rule to know the houre of the night by the moone : calculated for the towne of Onger in the county of Essex, where the pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degrees, 23 minuits / 1
AY751 .A83 1641 A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1641 being the next after leap-yeare : wherein is shewed the naturall inclination of the aire according to the aspects and positions of the stars, vvith other rules, fables, and directions convenient in such a worke to be noted : exactly rectified for the meridian and latitude of Ongar in Essex ... / 2
AY751 .A84 1548 A prognosticacion made for the yere of oure Lord Gods thousande fyue hundreth xlviii 1
AY751 .A84 1551 An almanacke and prognostication made for t[he] yere of our Lorde God a thousande fyne [sic] hundreth fyfty and one 1
AY751 .A84 1557 An almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of oure Lorde God M.D.U.J.J. 1
AY751 .A84 1671 Panterpe, id est omne delectare, or, A pleasant almanack for the year of our Lord, 1671, and since the world's creation, 5620 being the 3 after bissextile or leap year herein you have the place, rising, and setting of the sun and moon ... : the second part contains an epistle of detection to move conformity, the opinions of some of the day of judgement ... / 2
AY751 .A84 1672 Panterpe, or, A pleasant almanack for the year of our Lord 1672, and since the worlds creation 5621, being bissextile or leap-year herein you have the place, rising, and setting of the sun and moon ... : the second part contains information of a rare school of learning to educate young gentlemen at ... / 2
AY751 .A84 1673 Panterpe, or, A pleasant almanack for the year of our Lord 1673, and since the worlds creation 5622, being the first after bissextile, or leap-year herein you have the place, rising, and setting of the sun and moon ... : the second part gives notice of a rare school of learning to educate young gentlemen at ... / 2
AY751.A84 P36 1670 Panterpe, or, A pleasant almanack for the year of our Lord 1670, and since the world's creation 5619, being the 2d after bissextile, or leap-year herein you have the place, rising, and setting of the sun and moon ... : the second part contains informations concerning this work, author, the opinions of some ... / 2
AY751 .A85 1556 [An almanacke a]nd prog[nostication, for the yeare of our L]orde God. M.D.LVI. M[ade by Anthony Ascham] physycyon and pryest. 1
AY751 .B34 1631 Balles, 1631. A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God and finall redemption 1631. Being the third after the bissextile or leape yeere. / 1