Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
AY751 .B47 1654 | Oi Dōdekomzōoi, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1654, being the second after bissextile or leap-yeare and calculated properly for the ancient burrough of Leicester where the pole is elevated 52 degrees and 40 minutes ... / | 2 |
AY751 .B55 1684 | Bon-Accord's ephemeris, or New prognostication, [fo]r the year of man's redemption, 1684, being bissextile or, leap year now when the year doth leap, beware of shroes and sheep : calculated exactly according to art, from diverse very fa[mo]us authors, for this our ancient kingdom of Scotland [and] more especially, (& even according to typographer's [very] bound duty,) for the latitude and meridian of famous [Bo]n-Accord, whose elevation is 57 degrees 10 miuuts [sic] / | 1 |
AY751 .B56 1666 |
The Bloody almanack for the year 1666 and the fiery trigon wherein is set forth the great changes and revolutions, extraordinary events and alterations that may come to pass and be acted upon the stage of the world in this (supposed wonderful) year. The Bloody almanack for the year 1666 and the fiery trigon wherein is set forth the great changes and revolutions, extraordinary events and alterations that may come to pass and be acted upon the stage of the world in this (supposed wonderful) year .. |
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AY751 .B57 1661 |
Speculum anni, or, A glasse of the year 1661, being the first after bissextile or leap-year, or, An almanack fitted both for sea-men and landmen wherein is contained the place of the moon, and the place of the sun with his declination and a tyde table : and also the termes with their returnes, and the faires happening in England and Wales in every month of the kalendar, also the quarterly ingresses and ecclipses this yeare : and a guide for travellers with other necessary tables ... / Speculum anni, or, A glasse of the year 1661, being the first after bissextile or leap-year, or, An almanack fitted both for sea-men and landmen wherein is contained the place of the moon, and the place of the sun with his declination and a tyde table : and also the termes with their returnes, and the faires happening in England and Wales in every month of the kalendar, also the quarterly ingresses and ecclipses this yeare : and a guide for travellers with other necessary tables ... / |
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AY751.B57 S63 1662 |
Speculum anni 1662 being the second after bissextile or leap-year, or, An almanack fitted for both sea-men and land-men wherein is contained the places both of sun and moon and a tide table : and also the terms and the fairs happening in in [sic] England and Wales in every month of the kalendar, also the quarterly ingresses and eclipses this year : with a guide for travellers and other necessary tables the like not hitherto published : calculated for the meridian of London / Speculum anni 1662 being the second after bissextile or leap-year, or, An almanack fitted for both sea-men and land-men wherein is contained the places both of sun and moon and a tide table : and also the terms and the fairs happening in in [sic] England and Wales in every month of the kalendar, also the quarterly ingresses and eclipses this year : with a guide for travellers and other necessary tables the like not hitherto published : calculated for the meridian of London / |
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AY751.B6 M47 | [Mercurius coelicus, sive, Almanack | 2 |
AY751.B6 T45 1661 |
Telescopium uranicum, or in plain English, An almanack and prognostication for the year of Christs incarnation MDCLXI being the first after bissextile or leap year ... : wherein is probably conjectured (not positively concluded) the state, condition, temperature, and inclination thereof from the various positions and configurations of the planets and stars, together with the eclipses of the sun and moon, and their effects astrologically and physiologically discussed : with many necessary tables, observations & instructions inserted / Telescopium uranicum, or in plain English, An almanack and prognostication for the year of Christs incarnation MDCLXI being the first after bissextile or leap year ... : wherein is probably conjectured (not positively concluded) the state, condition, temperature, and inclination thereof from the various positions and configurations of the planets and stars, together with the eclipses of the sun and moon, and their effects astrologically and physiologically discussed : with many necessary tables, observations & instructions inserted / |
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AY751.B6 T45 1664 |
Telescopium uranicum, or, An almanack and prognostication, physical, astrological, & meteorological, for the year of Christ's incarnation MDCLXIV being bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world according to ... John Kepler, 5657 years ... wherein ... the eclipses of the luminaries, the conjunctions and configurations of the planets ... and other astrological observations and predications, with many useful and necessary tables inserted, calculated and composed / Telescopium uranicum, or, An almanack and prognostication, physical, astrological, & meteorological, for the year of Christ's incarnation MDCLXIV being bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world according to ... John Kepler, 5657 years ... wherein ... the eclipses of the luminaries, the conjunctions and configurations of the planets ... and other astrological observations and predications, with many useful and necessary tables inserted, calculated and composed / |
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AY751.B6 T45 1666 | Telescopium uranicum repurgatum & limatum an ephemeris or physical, astrological and meteorological observations for the year of Christ's incarnation M.DC.LXVI : being the second after the bissextile or leap year ... / | 2 |
AY751.B6 U73 | Uranoscopia, or, An almanack and prognostication being a prospective glasse for the yeare of Christ, 1649, and from the creation, 5642 ... wherein you may view the whole state and condition of the same : together with all the lunations, planetary motions, conjunctions, aspects, and configurations : as also eclipses & their effects astrologically handled : calculated exactly for ... London / | 2 |
AY751 .B62 1665 |
Blagrave's ephemeris, or, Almanack for the year 1665, being the first after bissextile or leap-year containing physical and astrological observations on every month, likewise the amity and enmity of the planets unto each other during their orbs or rays, and choice times for visiting friends with success : also the time and manner of curing diseases by sympathy and antipathy, rules for husbandry, dayly predictions of the weather, the suns rising & setting, & many other things beneficial for physicians and young students / Blagrave's ephemeris, or, Almanack for the year 1665, being the first after bissextile or leap-year containing physical and astrological observations on every month, likewise the amity and enmity of the planets unto each other during their orbs or rays, and choice times for visiting friends with success : also the time and manner of curing diseases by sympathy and antipathy, rules for husbandry, dayly predictions of the weather, the suns rising & setting, & many other things beneficial for physicians and young students / |
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AY751.B62 B62 1660 |
Blagrave's ephemeris for the year 1660 with physical and astrological observations on every month : likewise the amity and enmity of the planets unto each other during their orbs or rays and choice times for visiting of friends whether male or female with success : also the time and manner of curing diseases by sympathy and antipathy, rules for husbandry, dayly predictions of the weather, and many other things beneficial for physicians and young students : calculated for the meridian of London / Blagrave's ephemeris for the year 1660 with physical and astrological observations on every month : likewise the amity and enmity of the planets unto each other during their orbs or rays and choice times for visiting of friends whether male or female with success : also the time and manner of curing diseases by sympathy and antipathy, rules for husbandry, dayly predictions of the weather, and many other things beneficial for physicians and young students : calculated for the meridian of London / |
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AY751.B62 D58 1696 | A diurnal speculum containing I. A plain and easie method to find out those things that are most useful to be known yearly, and may serve as an almanack for thirty years, and many other things suitable to the matter, &c. ... / | 2 |
AY751 .B66 1631 | Bowker. 1631. A new almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God, 1631. Being the third from the leape yeare : calculated for the meridian of the honourable citie of London, & will serue without sensible errour the whole kingdome of Great Britain. / | 1 |
AY751.B66 1636 | The anatomie of the yeare 1636, sive Prognosticon astrologicum & diarium meteorologicum, vel speculum anni bissextilis MDCXXXVI. Wherein (besides the generall state of the yeare) you may probably behold the dayly disposition and inclination of the aire, together with the time of eclipses, great conjunctions, aspects, &c. Their effects with other astrologicall observations for this present yeare of Christs incarnation and our redemption 1636. With an essay touching the reformation of the yeare, to the pristine state it was in the emperour Julius Cesars [sic] time. Calculated ... / | 1 |
AY751 .B66 1637 | Almanack: sivè Prognosticon astrologicum & diarium meteorologicum vel Speculum anni M.DC.XXXVII. Being the first after leap yeare. : Calculated for the meridian of the honourable citie of London. / | 1 |
AY751 .B66 1639 | 1639, almanack et prognosticon, sive, Speculum anni M.DC.XXXIX. being the third yeare after bissextile or leape-yeare : calculated for the meridian of the honourable citie of London / | 1 |
AY751 .B66 1640 | M.D.C.XL. almanack et prognosticon, sive, Speculum anni a N.C.I. dominis & servatoris nostri, 1640. Et ab astrorum creatione Keplerianâ 5633 being bissextile or leape-yeare. Calculated for the meridian of the honourable citie of London. / | 1 |
AY751 .B66 1642 |
MDCXLII [1642] almanack et prognosticon, sive, Speculum anni à nat. J.C., 1642 et ab astrorum creatione kepleriana 5635 ... wherein is contained a three-fold kalendar ecclesiasticall, viz. the Iulian, the Gregorian, and the true accompt with all the lunations, planetary configurations, eclipses and other cœlestiall observations and astrologicall predictions therein / MDCXLII [1642] almanack et prognosticon, sive, Speculum anni à nat. J.C., 1642 et ab astrorum creatione kepleriana 5635 ... wherein is contained a three-fold kalendar ecclesiasticall, viz. the Iulian, the Gregorian, and the true accompt with all the lunations, planetary configurations, eclipses and other cœlestiall observations and astrologicall predictions therein / |
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AY751 .B66 1643 |
MDCXLIII [1643] almanack et prognosticon, sive, Speculum anni à nat. J.C. 1643 et ab astrorum creatione kepleriana 5636 ... wherein is contained a three-fold kalendar, viz. the Iulian or English, the Gregorian or forrainge, and the true accompt, with all the lunations, planetary configurations, cœ︡estiall observations and astrologicall predictions therein / MDCXLIII [1643] almanack et prognosticon, sive, Speculum anni à nat. J.C. 1643 et ab astrorum creatione kepleriana 5636 ... wherein is contained a three-fold kalendar, viz. the Iulian or English, the Gregorian or forrainge, and the true accompt, with all the lunations, planetary configurations, cœe︡stiall observations and astrologicall predictions therein / |
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