Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
AY751 .P53 1660 | Montelion, 1660, or, The prophetical almanack being a true and exact accompt of all the revolutions that are to happen in the world this present year 1660, till this time twelve-moneth / | 2 |
AY751 .P53 1661 |
Pigot, 1661 an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1661 : being the first after the bissextile, or leap year, and since the creation, 5610 : containing many profitable practices and useful tables ... calculated for the meridian and latitude of Cleobury Mortimer, a market town in Shropshire / Pigot 1661 an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1661 ... calculated for the meridian of ... Ludlow in Shropshire / |
4 |
AY751 .P53 1662 |
Pigot 1662 an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1662 ... calculated for the meridian ... of ... Shrewsbury ... / Pigot, 1662 an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1662 : being the second after the bissextile, or leap year, and since the creation, 5611 : containing many profitable practices and useful tables ... calculated for the meridian and latitude of the ancient shire town of Shrewsbury ... / Montelion, 1662, or, The prophetical almanack being a true and exact accompt of all the revolutions that are to happen in the world this present year, 1662, till this time twelve-moneth / |
6 |
AY751.P53 L37 1680 |
The last protestant almanack, or, A prognostication for the year from the incarnation of Christ 1680, from our deliverance from popery by Queen Eliz., 121 being bissextile or leap-year : wherein the bloody aspects, fatal oppositions, and pernicious conjunctions of the Papacy against the lord Christ and the Lords annointed are described : with the change of the moon, the rising and setting of the sun ... calculated according to art for the meridian of Babylon, where the Pope is, elevated ninety degrees above all reason, right and religion, above kings, canons, councils and conscience ... / The last protestant almanack, or, A prognostication for the year from the incarnation of Christ 1680, from our deliverance from popery by Queen Eliz., 121 being bissextile or leap-year : wherein the bloody aspects, fatal oppositions, and pernicious conjunctions of the Papacy against the lord Christ and the Lords annointed are described : with the change of the moon, the rising and setting of the sun ... calculated according to art for the meridian of Babylon, where the Pope is elevated ninety degrees above all reason, right and religion, above kings, canons, councils and conscience ... / |
2 |
AY751.P53 P53 1660 | Pigot 1660 an [al]manacke for the yeare of our Lord God 1660 : [bei]ng the bissextile or leap-yeare : and since the creation 5609 : [conta]ining many profitable practices ... as of six in the hundred, of retailing by the hund[red], measuring of timber, stone, board, glass &c. ... also measuring of cloth, wainscot, paving ... by the yard ... : [calc]ulated for the meridian and latitude of ... Mortimer ... in Shropshire / | 2 |
AY751 .P54 1627 | A plain description of the high wayes in England and Wales, now the second time enlarged, in a more perfect manner then heretofore hath been published, wit hthe use of the same by example | 1 |
AY751 .P54 1656 | An almanack for the year of our Lord, 1656 ... calculated for the meridian and horizon of the ... city of London ... / | 2 |
AY751 .P54 1657 | An almanack for the year of our Lord, 1657 ... calculated for the meridian and horizon of the ... city of London ... / | 2 |
AY751 .P54 1664 | A new prognostication for the year of our Lord God, 1664 being bissextile or leap-year : wherein are contained the ... movable feasts, with the change of the moon ... with the description of the weather in every quarter of the moon, and a true description of the eclipses this year : together with dates of husbandry and gardening ... / | 2 |
AY751 .P54 1677 |
The new Protestant almanack for the year from the incarnation of Jesus Christ, 1677, from our deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth, 118 being the first after the bissextile or leap-year : wherein the bloody aspects, fatal oppositions, and pernitious conjunctions of the papacy against the Lord Christ and the Lord's anointed are clearly described : calculated according to art for the meridian of Rome, where the pope is elevated 90 degrees above all reason, right, religion : above kings, canons, councils, conscience ... and may without sensible error indifferently serve the whole papacy / The new Protestant almanack for the year from the incarnation of Jesus Christ, 1677, from our deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth, 118 being the first after the bissextile or leap-year : wherein the bloody aspects, fatal oppositions, and pernitious conjunctions of the papacy against the Lord Christ and the Lord's anointed are clearly described : calculated according to art for the meridian of Rome, where the pope is elevated 90 degrees above all reason, right, religion : above kings, canons, councils, conscience ... and may without sensible error indifferently serve the whole papacy / |
2 |
AY751 .P54 1692 |
The Protestant almanack for the year 1692 since [brace] the creation of the world 5698, the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1692, England received the Christian faith 1502, Martin Luther wrote against the pope 176, our deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth 133, the horrid design of the gun-powder plot 87, the burning of the city of London 26, our second deliverance from popery by K. Will. & Q. Mary 4 : being the bissextile or leap-year ... calculated according to art, for the meridian of Babylon ...and may without sensible errour, indifferently serve the whole papacy / The Protestant almanack for the year 1692 since [brace] the creation of the world 5698, the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1692, England received the Christian faith 1502, Martin Luther wrote against the pope 176, our deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth 133, the horrid design of the gun-powder plot 87, the burning of the city of London 26, our second deliverance from popery by K. Will. & Q. Mary 4 : being the bissextile or leap-year ... calculated according to art, for the meridian of Babylon ...and may without sensible errour, indifferently serve the whole papacy / |
2 |
AY751 .P54 1693 |
The Protestant almanack for the year 1693 since [brace] the creation of the world 5699, the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1693, England received the Christian faith 1503, Martin Luther wrote against the pope 177, our deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth 134, the horrid design of the gun-powder plot 88, the burning of the city of London 27, our second deliverance from popery by K. Will. & Q. Mary 5 : being the bissextile or leap-year ... calculated according to art, for the meridian of Babylon ...and may without sensible errour, indifferently serve the whole papacy / The Protestant almanack for the year 1693 since [brace] the creation of the world 5699, the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1693, England received the Christian faith 1503, Martin Luther wrote against the pope 177, our deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth 134, the horrid design of the gun-powder plot 88, the burning of the city of London 27, our second deliverance from popery by K. Will. & Q. Mary 5 : being the bissextile or leap-year ... calculated according to art, for the meridian of Babylon ...and may without sensible errour, indifferently serve the whole papacy / |
2 |
AY751 .P54 1697 |
The Protestant almanack for the year 1697 since [brace] the creation of the world 5703, the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1697, England received the Christian faith 1507, Martin Luther wrote against the pope 181, our first deliverance from popery by K. Edward VI 149, our second deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth 13 [sic], the horrid design of the gun-powder plot 92, the burning of the city of London 31, our second deliverance from popery by K. Will. & Q. Mary 9 : being the bissextile or leap-year ... calculated according to art, for the meridian of Babylon ...and may without sensible errour, indifferently serve the whole papacy / The Protestant almanack for the year 1697 since [brace] the creation of the world 5703, the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1697, England received the Christian faith 1507, Martin Luther wrote against the pope 181, our first deliverance from popery by K. Edward VI 149, our second deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth 13 [sic], the horrid design of the gun-powder plot 92, the burning of the city of London 31, our second deliverance from popery by K. Will. & Q. Mary 9 : being the bissextile or leap-year ... calculated according to art, for the meridian of Babylon ...and may without sensible errour, indifferently serve the whole papacy / |
2 |
AY751 .P54 1698 |
The Protestant almanack for the year 1698 since [brace] the creation of the world 5704, the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1698, England received the Christian faith 1508, Martin Luther wrote against the pope 182, our first deliverance from popery by K. Edward VI 150, our second deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth 139, the horrid design of the gun-powder plot 93, the burning of the city of London 32, our second deliverance from popery by K. Will. & Q. Mary 10 : being the bissextile or leap-year ... calculated according to art, for the meridian of Babylon ...and may without sensible errour, indifferently serve the whole papacy / The Protestant almanack for the year 1698 since [brace] the creation of the world 5704, the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1698, England received the Christian faith 1508, Martin Luther wrote against the pope 182, our first deliverance from popery by K. Edward VI 150, our second deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth 139, the horrid design of the gun-powder plot 93, the burning of the city of London 32, our second deliverance from popery by K. Will. & Q. Mary 10 : being the bissextile or leap-year ... calculated according to art, for the meridian of Babylon ...and may without sensible errour, indifferently serve the whole papacy / |
2 |
AY751 .P54 1699 |
The Protestant almanack for the year 1699 since [brace] the creation of the world 5705, the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1699, England received the Christian faith 1509, Martin Luther wrote against the pope 183, our first deliverance from popery by K. Edward VI 151, our second deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth 140, the horrid design of the gun-powder plot 94, the burning of the city of London 33, our second deliverance from popery by K. Will. & Q. Mary 11 : being the bissextile or leap-year ... calculated according to art, for the meridian of Babylon ...and may without sensible errour, indifferently serve the whole papacy / The Protestant almanack for the year 1699 since [brace] the creation of the world 5705, the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1699, England received the Christian faith 1509, Martin Luther wrote against the pope 183, our first deliverance from popery by K. Edward VI 151, our second deliverance from popery by Queen Elizabeth 140, the horrid design of the gun-powder plot 94, the burning of the city of London 33, our second deliverance from popery by K. Will. & Q. Mary 11 : being the bissextile or leap-year ... calculated according to art, for the meridian of Babylon ...and may without sensible errour, indifferently serve the whole papacy / |
2 |
AY751.P54 P76 1668 | The Protestant almanack for the year from the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1668, our deliverance from popery by Queen Eliz., 109 being the bissextile or leap-year : wherein the bloody aspects ... of the papacy against the Lord Christ ... are described ... / | 2 |
AY751.P54 P76 1669 | The Protestant almanack for the year from the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1669, our deliverance from popery by Queen Eliz., 110 being the first after bissextile or leap-year, wherein the bloody aspects ... of the papacy against the Lord Christ ... are described ... / | 2 |
AY751.P54 P76 1680 | The Protestant almanack for the year from the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1680, our deliverance from popery by Queen Eliz., 121 ... being the bissextile, or leap-year, wherein the bloody aspects ... of the papacy against the Lord Christ ... are described ... / | 2 |
AY751 .P55 1592 | A plaine Table and most perfit description of the yeare Politicall: brought into a circle, as into the most proper and apt forme to shadow forth the circular progres of the yeare and circuit of the ... Also here is added the Gregorian Calendar, and a perpetuall concordance of the diuers Romane calendars, with the true and onely ground, uz. the signes. | 1 |
AY751 .P55 1682 |
The Protestant almanack for the year from the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1682, from our deliverance from popery by Queen Eliz. 123 ... being the second after bissextile, or leap-year ... calculated according to art for the meridian of Babylon, where the Pope is elevated a hundred and fifty degrees above all reason, right, and religion, above kings, canons, councils, conscience, and every thing therein called God ... and may, without sensible error, indifferently serve the whole papacy / The Protestant almanack for the year from the incarnation of Jesus Christ 1682, from our deliverance from popery by Queen Eliz. 123 ... being the second after bissextile, or leap-year ... calculated according to art for the meridian of Babylon, where the Pope is elevated a hundred and fifty degrees above all reason, right, and religion, above kings, canons, councils, conscience, and every thing therein called God ... and may, without sensible error, indifferently serve the whole papacy / |
2 |