Call Number (LC) Title Results
AZ186 .I58 2022 An introduction to replication in the humanities. 1
AZ186 .J66 2022 Virtual reality methods : a guide for researchers in the social sciences and humanities / 2
AZ186 .K56 2023 Authorship and publishing in the humanities / 1
AZ186 .L36 2001 Language-meaning-social construction interdisciplinary studies / 1
AZ186 .L36 2017 The big humanities : digital humanities/digital laboratories / 2
AZ186 .M35 2002 Making the humanities count : the importance of data / 1
AZ186 .M35 2014 A new republic of letters : memory and scholarship in the age of digital reproduction / 1
AZ186 .M35 2014eb A new republic of letters : memory and scholarship in the age of digital reproduction / 3
AZ186 .P74 2014 HyperCities : thick mapping in the digital humanities / 1
AZ186 .R47 2018 Research methods for the digital humanities / 1
AZ186 .R63 2016 Hermeneutica : computer-assisted interpretation in the humanities / 1
AZ186 .R63 2016eb Hermeneutica : computer-assisted interpretation in the humanities / 1
AZ186 .S67 2017 Social knowledge creation in the humanities / 1
AZ186 .W54 2012 One culture : computationally intensive research in the humanities and social sciences : a report on the experiences of first respondents to the digging into data challenge / 1
AZ186 ebook ¿Cómo hacer un proyecto de investigación en ciencias de la salud y sobrevivir en el intento? : recomendaciones para quienes se inician en la investigación cuantitativa / 1
AZ188 Any Questions? : Identity Construction in Academic Conference Discussions. 1
AZ188.A357 M85 2023 Multidisciplinary knowledge production and research methods in Sub-Saharan Africa : language, literature and religion / 1
AZ188.A7 C74 2018 El objeto total : dos imágenes del estudio / 1
AZ188.A78 R43 2020 Reconceptualizing the digital humanities in Asia : new representations of art, history and culture / 1
AZ188.A8 Humanities Research Centre : a history of the first 30 years of the HRC at the Australian National University / 2