Call Number (LC) Title Results
AZ301 .L43 2003 Learned antiquity : scholarship and society in the Near East, the Greco-Roman world, and the early medieval West / 1
AZ301 .P4 History of classical scholarship from the beginnings to the end of the Hellenistic age. 1
AZ301.S68 2007 Transformationen antiker Wissenschaften. 1
AZ321 Medieval textual cultures : agents of transmission, translation and transformation /
Lines of thought : branching diagrams and the medieval mind /
Learning and culture in Carolingian Europe : letters, numbers, exegesis, and manuscripts /
AZ321 .B458 2010 Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte der Gelehrten im späten Mittelalter / 1
AZ321 .B7 The rebirth of learning : the first twelve centuries; an anthology selected / 1
AZ321 .D66 2021 Dominican Resonances in Medieval Iceland : The Legacy of Bishop Jón Halldórsson of Skálholt / 1
AZ321 .D875 2017 Exzerpieren - Kompilieren - Tradieren. 1
AZ321 .G46 1995 The gentle voices of teachers : aspects of learning in the Carolingian age / 2
AZ321 .G53 1993 'Artes' and Bible in the medieval West / 1
AZ321 .H8 1963 Church & learning in the Byzantine Empire, 867-1185. 1
AZ321 .L38 1993 Rise and decline of the scholastic Quaestio disputata : with special emphasis on its use in the teaching of medicine and science / 1
AZ321 .M3 Bildung, Wissenschaft und Literatur im Abendlande von 800 bis 1100 / 1
AZ321 .M43 2016 Medieval textual cultures : agents of transmission, translation and transformation / 1
AZ321 .M45 Methoden in Wissenschaft und Kunst des Mittelalters / 1
AZ321 .M56 2009 Mind matters : studies of medieval and early modern intellectual history in honour of Marcia Colish / 1
AZ321 .R6 Das Fortleben der Antike im Islam. 1
AZ321 .S843 2011 Kulturen des Lehrens im Früh- und Hochmittelalter : Autorität, Wissenskonzepte und Netzwerke von Gelehrten / 1
AZ321 .T5 Science and thought in the fifteenth century : studies in the history of medicine and surgery, natural and mathematical science, philosophy and politics / 1
AZ321 .T5 1963 Science and thought in the fifteenth century : studies in the history of medicine and surgery, natural and mathematical science, philosophy, and politics. 1