Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
B110 .C767 2002 | Vida y Costumbres de Los Viejos Filósofos La Traducción Castellana Cuatrocentista Del de Vita et Moribus Philosophorum , Atribuido a Walter Burley. | 1 |
B110 .M37 1611 | Ioannis Magiri Physiologiae Peripateticae. cum commentariis in quibus praaecepta illius per spicue erudite que explicantur, et exoptimis quibusque peripateticae philosophiae interpretibus, Platone, Aristotele, Zabarella, Archangelo Mercenario, Thoma Erasto, Iacobo Schegkio, Scaligero, Vico Mercurio, Contareno Cardinale, Hermolao Barbaro, Francisco Patricio, & aliis disceptantur. Accessit huic quintae editioni, lipsensi meliori & notis auctioris, enchiridion metaphysicum, Aristotelis, optimorumque eius interpretum monumentis adornatium, studio & vigiliis Caspari Bartholini malmogii dani. | 1 |
B110 .P76 | Prolusio philosophica octavus sapiens, sive, Oratio, amatoribus sapientiæ cognoscendis accomodata habita Molinæ, anno dom. 1660, a quodam generoso anglo. | 2 |
B110 .V533 2002 | Vida y Costumbres de Los Viejos Filósofos La Traducción Castellana Cuatrocentista Del de Vita et Moribus Philosophorum , Atribuido a Walter Burley. | 1 |
B111 |
Thus endeth this book of the dyctes and notable wyse sayenges of the phylosophers Uses and Abuses of the Classics : Western Interpretations of Greek Philosophy. Calling philosophers names : on the origin of a discipline / Ancient philosophy. Historical dictionary of ancient Greek philosophy / Oxford studies in ancient philosophy. From Aristotle to Cicero : essays in ancient philosophy / |
8 |
B111 .A33 2015 | Philosophy in the Hellenistic and Roman worlds / | 1 |
B111 .A534 2008 | Ancient philosophy : essential readings with commentary / | 1 |
B111 .A56 2000 | Ancient philosophy : a very short introduction / | 1 |
B111 .A56 2000eb | Ancient philosophy : a very short introduction / | 2 |
B111 .B7 | A history of ancient philosophy. | 1 |
B111 .B87 2012 | Explorations in ancient and modern philosophy. | 1 |
B111 .C36 2003 | The Cambridge companion to Greek and Roman philosophy / | 1 |
B111 .C37 2015 | The Cambridge history of philosophy in late antiquity / | 1 |
B111 .C377 2022 | Lectures on Ancient Philosophy. | 1 |
B111 .C66 2006 | A companion to ancient philosophy / | 1 |
B111 .C67 2012 | Pursuits of wisdom : six ways of life in ancient philosophy from Socrates to Plotinus / | 1 |
B111 .C67 2012eb | Pursuits of wisdom : six ways of life in ancient philosophy from Socrates to Plotinus / | 2 |
B111 .D7 | A history of ancient and medieval philosophy / | 1 |
B111 .G36 2016 | Diagrammatic immanence : category theory and philosophy / | 1 |
B111 .H3 | A history of Greek and Roman philosophy. | 1 |