Call Number (LC) Title Results
B1168.E5 -- R44 2009eb Oxford Francis Bacon, XI : the InstEDratio magna Part II : Novum organum and Associated Texts. 1
B1168.E5 R45 2007 The Instauratio magna. 1
B1168.E5 U7313 1994 Novum organum : with other parts of The great instauration / 1
B1168 .E53 1676 The novum organum of Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans epitomiz'd, for a clearer understanding of his natural history / 2
B1173 Specimina Philosophiæ : seu Dissertatio de methodo, Rectè regendæ rationis, & veritatis in scientiis investigandæ: Dioptrice et Meteora / 1
B1173.E5 W3 1640 Of the advancement and proficience of learning; or, The partitions of sciences IX bookes / 1
B1173.E5 W38 1640i Of the advancement and proficience of learning, or, The partitions of sciences IX bookes / 1
B1173 (INTERNET) The tvvoo bookes of Francis Bacon Of the proficience and aduancement of learning, diuine and humane. To the King. 1
B1180.D62 E5 (INTERNET) The vvisedome of the ancients 1
B1180.H5 (INTERNET) The historie of life and death With observations naturall and experimentall for the prolonging of life. /
Historie naturall and experimentall, of life and death, or, Of the prolongation of life
B1180.I57 E5 2004 The instauratio magna part II : Novum organum and associated texts / 1
B1180.I572 E5 2000 The instauratio magna : last writings / 1
B1180 .S4 Fr. Baconi de Verulamio Sermones fideles, ethici, politici, oeconomici, sive, Interiora rerum : accedit faber fortunae &c. 1
B1180.S64 (INTERNET) The mirror of alchimy 1
B1190 1633 The two bookes of Sr. Francis Bacon, of the proficience and advancement of learning, divine and humane. 1
B1190 1893 The advancement of learning / 1
B1190 1893 The advancement of learning / 1
B1190 1929 The advancement of learning, and New Atlantis / 1
B1190 1944 Advancement of learning and Novum organum / 1
B1190 1966 The advancement of learning and New Atlantis / 1