Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
B1153 1665 | Francisci Baconi Baronis de Verulamio, Vice-Comitis S. Albani ... Opera omnia quae extant, philosophica, moralia, politica, historica ... : in quibus complures alii tractatus, quos brevitatis causa praetermittere visum est, comprehensi sunt, hactenus nunquam conjunctim edita, jam vero summo studio collecta, uno volumine comprehensa, & ab innumeris mendis repurgata ; cum indice rerum ac verborum universali absolutissimo ; his praefixa est auctoris vita. | 1 |
B1153 1740i | The works of Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England. | 1 |
B1153 1803i | The works of Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England : in ten volumes. | 1 |
B1153 1819 | The works of Francis Bacon : baron of Verulam, viscount St. Alban, and lord high chancellor of England. | 1 |
B1153 1819i | The works of Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England : in ten volumes. | 1 |
B1153 1837 | The works of Lord Bacon. / | 1 |
B1153 1857a | The works of Francis Bacon / | 1 |
B1153 1857a | The works of Francis Bacon / | 1 |
B1153 1877 | The works of Francis Bacon ... / | 1 |
B1153 1996 | Philosophical studies, c. 1611-c. 1619 / | 1 |
B1154 1825i | The works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England | 1 |
B1154 1857 | The works of Francis Bacon / | 1 |
B1154 .E88 1691 | The essays, or, counsels, civil and moral of Sir Francis Bacon ... With a table of the colours of good and evil. Whereunto is added The wisdom of the antients. | 1 |
B1155 |
The Proficience and advancement of learning : with his essays civil and moral and a collection of apophthegms / Philosophical works of Francis Bacon |
2 |
B1155 1669 | The essays, or counsels, civil & moral, of Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban. With a table Of the colours of good and evil. : Whereunto is added The wisdome of the ancients. | 1 |
B1155 1671 |
Several letters written by this honourable author to Queen Elizabeth, King James, divers Lords, and others Several letters written by this honourable author to Queen Elizabeth, King James, divers Lords, and others. |
2 |
B1155 1671i | Resvscitatio, or, Bringing into pvblick light several pieces of the works, civil, historical, philosophical, and theological, hitherto sleeping, of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban in two parts. | 1 |
B1155 1679i | Letters, speeches, charges, advices, &c. of Francis Bacon, Lord Viscount St. Alban, Lord Chancellor of England | 1 |
B1155 1803 | Verulamiana, or, Opinions on men, manners, literature, politics and theology / | 1 |
B1155 .1858 | The physical and metaphysical works of Lord Bacon : including his Dignity and advancement of learning, in nine books: and his Novum organum; or, Precepts for the interpretation of nature / | 1 |