B132.N8 D35 2005
Nyāya siddhānta dīpaḥ of Śaśadhara : containing the text, Eng. translation, and critical study of the first five Vedas / |
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B132.N8 G326
Tattvacintāmaṇiḥ |
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B132.N8 G326 1974
Tattvacintāmaṇiḥ / |
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B132.N8 G326 1999
Tattvacintāmaṇi : [with the commentaries of Tarkacūdāmaṇi & Prakāśa] / |
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B132.N8 G36513 2017
The Nyāya-sūtra : selections with early commentaries / |
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B132.N8 G3653614 2001
Nyāyamañjarī / |
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B132.N8 G373
Nyāya philosophy. : Literal translation of Gautama's Nyāya-sūtra & Vātsyāyana's Bhāṣya; along with a free and abridged translation of the elucidation by Phaṇibhūṣana Tarkavāgīśa / |
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B132.N8 G84 1979
Navya Nyāya System of logic basic theories & techniques / |
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B132.N8 H29 1966
Ratnakoṣamatavādārthaḥ |
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B132.N8 I48
Indian metaphysics and epistemology : the tradition of Nyāya-Vaiśe-ṣika up to Gaṅgeśa / |
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B132.N8 .I535 1977eb
Indian metaphysics and epistemology : the tradition of Nyaya-Vaiśeṣika up to Gaṅgeśa / |
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B132.N8 K4 1968
Indian logic and atomism : an exposition of the Nyāya and Vaiçeṣika systems. |
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B132.N8 M345 1986
Perception : an essay on classical Indian theories of knowledge / |
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B132.N8 N39 2000
Tarkaśāstraprabhāvamīmāṃsā : proceedings of the National Seminar on the Impact of Nyaya Vaisheshika Systems on the Other Schools of Indian Philosophy, 14-16 October, 2000 / |
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B132.N8 P55 2004
Epistemology of perception : Gaṅgeśa's Tattvacintāmaṇi, Jewel of reflection on the truth (about epistemology) : The perception chapter (Pratyakṣa-khaṇḍa) / |
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B132.N8 R25 1976
Nyāyasāravicāraḥ : Śrīmadāryabhāsarvajñapraṇītasya Nyāyasārasya ṭīkāgranthaḥ / |
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B132.N8 R3
The Padārthatattvanirūpaṇam of Raghunātha Śiromaṇi : a demonstration of the true nature of the things to which words refer / |
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B132.N8 S14 1987
Perspectives on Nyaya logic and epistemology / |
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B132.N8 S74 2005
Pañcalakṣaṇīsarvasvam / |
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B132.N8 V38 2003
A system of Indian logic : the Nyāya theory of inference : analysis, text, translation and interpretaion of the anumāna section of Kārikāvalī, Muktāvali and Dinakarī / |
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