Call Number (LC) Title Results
B1649.P64 Karl Popper : science and enlightenment /
Popper and his popular critics : Thomas Kuhn, Paul Feyerabend and Imre Lakatos /
Karl Popper : professional philosopher and public intellectual /
B1649 .P64 1998 Bopu zhuan / 1
B1649.P64 A25 1983 A pocket Popper / 1
B1649.P64 A3 The philosophy of Karl Popper / 1
B1649.P64 A3 2002eb Unended quest 1
B1649.P64 A32 1976 Unended quest : an intellectual autobiography / 1
B1649.P64 .A64 2008 A Philosopher's Apprentice : In Karl Popper's Workshop. 1
B1649.P64 A64 2008 A philosopher's apprentice : in Karl Popper's workshop / 1
B1649.P64 A6713 2006eb Popper's Vienna / 1
B1649.P64 B8 1983 The philosophy of Popper / 1
B 1649 .P64 C66613 1997  
B1649.P64 C66613 1997 An introduction to the thought of Karl Popper / 1
B1649.P64 C66613 1997eb An introduction to the thought of Karl Popper /
An introduction to the thought of Karl Popper
B1649.P64 eBook Entre el liberalismo y la socialdemocracia : Popper y la "sociedad abierta" / 1
B1649.P64 ebook Contrastando a Popper / 1
B1649.P64 G38 2009 Karl Popper's philosophy of science : rationality without foundations / 1
B1649.P64 G38 2009eb Karl Popper's philosophy of science : rationality without foundations / 1
B1649.P64 G45 1994 Karl Popper / 1
B1649.P64 H33 2000 Karl Popper, the formative years, 1902-1945 : politics and philosophy in interwar Vienna / 1
B1649.P64 H33 2000eb online Karl Popper, the formative years, 1902-1945 politics and philosophy in interwar Vienna / 1