Call Number (LC) Title Results
B165 .D42 1960 Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, griechisch und deutsch / 1
B165 .D42 1969 Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, griechisch und deutsch / 1
B165 .D4213 The older Sophists / 2
B165.D43 F7 The Pre-Socratic philosophers : a companion to Diels, Fragmente der vorsokratiker / 1
B165.D43 F7 1949 The pre-Socratic philosophers : a companion to Diels, Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. 1
B165.D43 F75 Ancilla to The pre-Socratic philosophers : a complete translation of the fragments in Diels Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. 1
B165.D43 F75 1966a Ancilla to The pre-Socratic philosophers / 1
B165 D56 1910 Die fragmente der Vorsokratiker griechisch und deutsch / 1
B165 .E27 2016 Early Greek philosophy / 1
B165 .E27 2016 vol. 3 Early Greek Philosophy, Volume III : Early Ionian Thinkers, Part 2 / 1
B165 .E27 2016 vol. 9 Early Greek Philosophy, Volume IX : Sophists, Part 2 / 1
B165 .E27 2016e Early Greek philosophy 1
B165 .F714 1988 Les Présocratiques / 1
B165 .F75 1957 Ancilla to The pre-Socratic philosophers : a complete translation of the fragment in Diels, Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. 1
B165 .F92 Fragmenta philosophorum Graecorum : collegit, recensuit, vertit, / 1
B165 .G7 1969 Greek philosophy : a collection of texts / 1
B165 .H9 The origins of philosophy : its rise in myth and the pre-Socratics / 1
B165 .K47 2001 [Kēpoi] : de la religion à la philosophie : mélanges offerts à André Motte / 1
B165 .M22 2002 The shape of ancient thought : comparative studies of Greek and Indian philosophies / 1
B165 .M23 Readings in ancient Western philosophy / 1