Call Number (LC) Title Results
B215.Z7 Z34 1956 Diogène d'Apollonie. 1
B218.A4 E6 1973 The fragments of Empedocles / 2
B218.A4 E6 1981 Empedocles, the extant fragments / 1
B218.A4 E6 1992 The Poem of Empedocles : a text and translation with an introduction / 1
B218.A4 E6 1995 Empedocles, the extant fragments / 1
B218.A4 E6 2001 The poem of Empedocles : a text and translation with an introduction / 1
B218.A4 I6 Empedocle. : Studio critico; traduzione e commento delle testimonianze e dei frammenti. 1
B218.P47 E5 1975 The proem of Empedocles' Peri Physios : towards a new edition of all the fragments : thirty-one fragments / 1
B218.Z7 B53 Empédocle d'Agrigente : essai sur la philosophie présocratique. 1
B218.Z7 B58 1975 Il principio fondamentale del sistema di Empedocle : studio preceduto da un saggio bibliografico e dalla traducione dei frammenti Empedoclei / 1
B218.Z7 B6 Empédocle. 1
B218.Z7 C47 2004 Death by philosophy : the biographical tradition in the life and death of the archaic philosophers Empedocles, Heraclitus, and Democritus / 1
B218.Z7 I53 1991 Index Empedocleus / 1
B218.Z7 K56 1995 Ancient philosophy, mystery, and magic : Empedocles and Pythagorean tradition / 1
B218.Z7 L35 Empedocles : [a philosophical investigation] / 1
B218.Z7 L8 1970 Die Struktur des Wirklichen im empedokleischen System "Über die Natur." 1
B218.Z7 M38 1999 L'empédocle de Strasbourg : (P. Strasb. gr. Inv.1665-1666) Introduction, édition et commentaire with an English summary / 1
B218.Z7 O27 Empedocles' cosmic cycle : a reconstruction from the fragments and secondary sources / 1
B218.Z7 O28 1981 Pour interpréter Empédocle / 1
B218.Z7 T74 2004eb Empedocles : an interpretation / 1