Call Number (LC) Title Results
B243 .R54 2005 Pythagoras : his life, teaching, and influence / 1
B243 .R54 2005eb Pythagoras : his life, teaching, and influence / 1
B243 .S34 Ioannis Schefferi Argentoratensis De natura et constituione Philosophiae Italicae, seu Phytagoricae liber singularis. 1
B243 .S65 1980 Die Briefe des Pythagoras und der Pythagoreer / 1
B243 .S67 1687a Pythagoras, his life and teachings / 1
B243 .T39 2004 Pythagoreans and Essenes : structural parallels / 1
B243 .T45 1944 Pitágoras y su escuela : escuelas eleática y atomista : los sofistas. 1
B243 .T5 Pitagorici testimonianze e frammenti / 1
B243 .Z4513 2012 Pythagoras and the early Pythagoreans / 1
B243 ebook Pitágoras y su teorema en 90 minutos / 1
B244 Pythagorean women philosophers : between belief and suspicion / 1
B244.D4 D45 La notion de daïmon dans le pythagorisme ancien; de la pensée religieuse à la pensée philosophique. 1
B244.M584 T33 1989 Miura Baien / 1
B244.T7 (INTERNET) An essay of transmigration, in defence of Pythagoras, or, A discourse of natural philosophy 1
B244.T73 L83 2009 Pythagoras and the doctrine of transmigration : wandering souls / 1
B244.T73 L83 2009eb Pythagoras and the doctrine of transmigration : wandering souls / 1
B244.W55 P45 2022 Pythagorean women / 1
B248.S554 S66 1982 Simplikios, Über die Zeit : ein Kommentar zum Corollarium de tempore / 1
B253 Thales of Miletus : the beginnings of Western science and philosophy / 1
B253 .M554 2009 Die Milesier : Thales / 1