Call Number (LC) Title Results
B2430.D454 S753 2005eb Gilles Deleuze : key concepts / 1
B2430.D454 S76 2008 Gilles Deleuze's ABCs : the folds of friendship / 1
B2430.D454 S76 2008eb Gilles Deleuze's ABCs : the folds of friendship / 2
B2430.D454 S95 2015 Deleuze and desire : analysis of The Logic of Sense / 1
B2430.D454 S95 2015eb Deleuze and desire : analysis of The logic of sense / 1
B2430.D454 T54 2014 This Deleuzian century : art, activism, life / 1
B2430.D454 T55 2009eb Thinking between Deleuze and Kant : a strange encounter / 1
B2430.D454 T57 2018eb Deleuze, cinema and the thought of the world / 1
B2430.D454 T574 2018 Affirming divergence : Deleuze's reading of Leibniz / 1
B2430.D454 T96 2012 Deleuze's literary clinic : criticism and the politics of symptoms / 1
B2430.D454 V63 2004 Le vocabulaire de Gilles Deleuze / 1
B2430.D454 V67 2013 Conditions of thought : Deleuze and the transcendental ideas / 1
B2430.D454 W35 2010  
B2430.D454 W355 2021 Queer and Deleuzian Temporalities Toward a Living Present. 1
B2430.D454 W36 2017 Thinking between Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty / 1
B2430.D454 W363 2018 Thinking Between Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty. 1
B2430.D454 W55 2008 Gilles Deleuze's Logic of sense : a critical introduction and guide / 1
B2430.D454 W55 2008eb Gilles Deleuze's Logic of sense : a critical introduction and guide / 1
B2430.D454 W55 2011eb Gilles Deleuze's philosophy of time : a critical introduction and guide / 1
B2430.D454 W554 2011 Gilles Deleuze's philosophy of time : a critical introduction and guide / 1