Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
B2779 .B55 1973 | Kant's theory of knowledge : an outline of one central argument in the Critique of pure reason. | 1 |
B2779 .B57 2016 | Kant's theory of knowledge : an outline of one central argument in the Critique of pure reason / | 1 |
B2779.B85 2016 | Erkenntnis und Funktion : Zur Vollständigkeit der Urteilstafel und Einheit des kantischen Systems / | 1 |
B2779 .B87 2006 | Kant's Critique of pure reason : an introduction / | 1 |
B2779 .C25 2010 | The Cambridge companion to Kant's Critique of pure reason / | 1 |
B2779 .C3 1954 | Kant's first critique ; an appraisal of the permanent significance of Kant's Critique of pure reason. | 1 |
B2779 .C37 2013 | Kant's first critique an appraisal of the permanent significance of Kant's Critique of pure reason / | 1 |
B2779 .C5 1917 | Kommentar zu Immanuel Kants Kritik der reinen vernunft / | 1 |
B2779 .C54 1999 | Possible experience : understanding Kant's Critique of pure reason / | 1 |
B2779 .C65 | L'analytique transcendale de Kant. | 1 |
B2779 .C76 1989 | The Kantian sublime : from morality to art / | 1 |
B2779 .C88 1997 | Imagining otherwise : metapsychology and the analytic a posteriori / | 1 |
B2779 .D28 1990 | La folie dans la raison pure : Kant lecteur de Swedenborg / | 1 |
B2779 .D5 2005 | Freedom and religion in Kant and his immediate successors : the vocation of humankind, 1774-1800 / | 1 |
B2779 .D5 2005eb | Freedom and religion in Kant and his immediate successors : the vocation of humankind, 1774-1800 / | 1 |
B2779 .D53 2004 | Kant's theory of knowledge : an analytical introduction / | 1 |
B2779 D946 2018 |
La fuerza de la razón : invitación a la lectura de la "Crítica de la razón Pura" de Kant / La fuerza de la razón : invitación a la lectura de la "Crítica de la razón Pura" de Kant / |
2 |
B2779 .E3213 | The Kant-Eberhard controversy : an English translation, together with supplementary materials and a historical-analytic introduction of Immanuel Kant's On a discovery according to which any new critique of pure reason has been made superfluous by an earlier one, Über eine Entdeckung nach der alle neue Kritik der reinen Vernunft durch eine ältere entbehrlich gemacht werden soll / | 1 |
B2779 .E64 1982eb | Essays on Kant's Critique of pure reason / | 1 |
B2779 .E9 1938a | A short commentary on Kant's Critique of pure reason. | 1 |