Call Number (LC) Title Results
B293.A74 G5 I Cirenaici : raccolta delle fonti antiche, traduzione e studio introduttivo. 1
B293.C4 T322 E63 1699 The tablet of Cebes the Theban philosopher, or, A true emblem of human life with an additional treatise concerning tranquillity of mind / 2
B295.A8 M8 Democriti Abderitae operum fragmenta / 1
B295 .M33 Democritus reviviscens, sive, Vita et philosophia Democriti 1
B296 .E7434 2008 Gnomica Democritea : Studien zur gnomologischen Überlieferung der Ethik Demokrits und zum Corpus Parisinum mit einer Edition der Democritea des Corpus Parisinum / 1
B297 .G46 2007 Democrito e l' Accademia : studi sulla trasmissione dell'atomismo antico da Aristotele a Simplicio / 1
B298 .D45 1983 Democrito : dall'atomo alla città / 1
B298 .I58 2003 Democritus : science, the arts, and the care of the soul : proceedings of the International Colloquium on Democritus, Paris, 18-20 September 2003 / 1
B298 .I58 2003eb Democritus : science, the arts, and the care of the soul : proceedings of the International Colloquium on Democritus, Paris, 18-20 September 2003 / 1
B298 .L87 1970 Demokrit : teksty, perevod, issledovanii︠a︡ 1
B298 .M23 Io. Chrysostomi Magneni, Burgundi, in Ticinensi universitate regii medicinae professoris : Democritus reviviscens, sive vita et philosophia Democriti. 1
B298 .M67 1996 Démocrite et la recherche des causes / 1
B298 .S334 1998 Démocrite, Epicure, Lucrèce : la vérité du minuscule / 1
B298 .S77 1984 Vestigia Democritea : die Rezeption der Lehre von den Atomen in der antiken Naturwissenschaft und Medizin / 1
B298 ebook Panta Kala : los fragmentos antropológicos de Demócrito de Abdera / 1
B301 .T674 1991 Geodesy. 1
B305.D44 A54 Diogenes: the story of the Greek philosopher / 1
B305.D44 N38 1998 Diogenes of Sinope : the man in the tub / 1
B305.D44 O84 2005 Die Sprüche des Kynikers Diogenes in der griechischen und arabischen Überlieferung / 1
B305.D44 R68 2023 The dangerous life and ideas of Diogenes the Cynic /
The Dangerous Life and Ideas of Diogenes the Cynic