Call Number (LC) Title Results
B3216.C34 Cassirer's Transformation from a transcendental to a semiotic philosophy of forms /
Cultural studies and the symbolic : occasional papers in Cassirer and cultural theory studies, presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Studies /
B3216.C34C85 2003 Cultural Studies and the Symbolic : Theory Studies, Presented at the Univeristy of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Studies. 1
B3216.C34 E765 2012 Ernst Cassirer on form and technology : contemporary readings / 2
B3216.C34 G7 1994 Ernst Cassirer / 1
B3216.C34 H3 1956eb Symbol and reality studies in the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer / 1
B3216.C34 H3 1970 Symbol and reality : studies in the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer / 1
B3216.C34 H33 2006 Ernst Cassirer : the Swedish years / 1
B3216.C34 I58 2021 Interpreting Cassirer : critical essays / 1
B3216.C34 I87 Ernst Cassirer : philosopher of culture / 1
B3216.C34 I88 Ernst Cassirer : scientific knowledge and the concept of man / 1
B3216.C34 I88 1997 Ernst Cassirer : scientific knowledge and the concept of man / 2
B3216.C34 K76 1987 Cassirer, symbolic forms and history / 1
B3216.C34 L3 2007 Ästhetik im Zeichen des Menschen : die ästhetische Vorgeschichte der Symbolphilosophie Ernst Cassirers und die Symbolische Form der Kunst / 1
B3216.C34 L56 Ernst Cassirer : the dilemma of a liberal intellectual in Germany, 1914-1933 / 1
B3216.C34 L64 2000 Ernst Cassirer : a "repetition" of modernity / 1
B3216.C34 M375 2021 Cassirer / 1
B3216.C34 M67 2014 Ernst Cassirer and the Autonomy of Language / 1
B3216.C34 M69 2013 Ernst Cassirer and the critical science of Germany : 1899-1919 /
Ernst Cassirer and the critical science of Germany, 1899-1919 /
B3216.C34 P3 2006 The paths of symbolic knowledge : occasional papers in Cassirer and cultural-theory studies, presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Studies / 1
B3216.C34 P3388 1995 Ernst Cassirer, von Marburg nach New York : eine philosophische Biographie / 1