Call Number (LC) Title Results
B3279.H49 B265 2003 Heidegger's roots : Nietzsche, national socialism, and the Greeks / 2
B3279.H49 B2655 2013 Thinking the poetic measure of justice : Hölderlin, Heidegger, Celan / 1
B3279.H49 B2655 2013eb Thinking the poetic measure of justice : Hölderlin, Heidegger, Celan / 1
B3279.H49 B273 2003 Martin Heidegger and the problem of historical meaning / 1
B3279.H49 B273 2003eb Martin Heidegger and the problem of historical meaning 1
B3279.H49 B36 2022 Of an Alien Homecoming : Reading Heidegger's Hölderlin. 1
B3279.H49 B392 2006 Becoming Heidegger : on the trail of his early occasional writings, 1910-1927 / 1
B3279.H49 B43 1998eb Heidegger & the political : dystopias / 2
B3279.H49 B433 2005 The new Heidegger / 1
B3279.H49 B433 2005eb The new Heidegger / 1
B3279.H49 B435 2003 Thinking with Heidegger : displacements / 1
B3279.H49 B435 2003eb Thinking with Heidegger : displacements / 1
B3279.H49 B453 1993 Heidegger in question : the art of existing / 1
B3279.H49 B454 1985 The question of language in Heidegger's history of being / 1
B3279.H49 B47 Vier Kritiken : Heidegger, Sartre, Adorno, Lukacz. 1
B3279.H49 B5313 Martin Heidegger : an illustrated study / 1
B3279.H49 B5865 2020 Heidegger's concept of philosophical method : innovating philosophy in the age of global warming / 1
B3279.H49 B615 1975 Die politische Ontologie Martin Heideggers / 1
B3279.H49 B62 Heideggers Sprachdenken. 1
B3279.H49 B6313 1997eb Seditions : Heidegger and the limit of modernity / 1