B3614.C74 P925 1966
Il metodo e la critica di Benedetto Croce. |
1 |
B3614.C74 R49 2019
Benedetto Croce and the birth of the Italian Republic, 1943-1952 / |
1 |
B3614.C74 R53 1987
Benedetto Croce and the uses of historicism / |
1 |
B3614.C74 R59 2003eb
Benedetto Croce and Italian fascism / |
2 |
B3614.C74 R64 1994
Nuove prospettive Crociane / |
1 |
B3614.C74 S24
L'estetica di Benedetto Croce : dall'intuizione visiva all'intuizione catartica. |
1 |
B3614.C74 S6 1952
Benedetto Croce, man and thinker. |
1 |
B3614.C74 S6 1952a
Benedetto Croce, man and thinker. |
1 |
B3614.C74 S7 1921a
Croce and literary criticism / |
1 |
B3614.C74 V56
Croce : ricordi e pensieri. |
1 |
Benedetto Croce : collected works. |
1 |
B3614.E923 C3813 2003
Ride the tiger : a survival manual for the aristocrats of the soul / |
1 |
Julius Evola : the philosopher and magician in war: 1943-1945 / |
1 |
B3614.E924 A313 2009
The path of cinnabar : an intellectual autobiography / |
1 |
B3614.E924 H3613 2010
A handbook of traditional living : [theory & practice] / |
1 |
B3614.E924 R658 1998
Su Evola / |
1 |
B3614.E924 S68 2010
Tradition & revolution / |
1 |
B3614.F1364 N38 2023
The contribution of Cornelio Fabro to fundamental theology : reason and faith / |
1 |
B3624.G5 O64 1955
Opere complete di Giovanni Gentile / |
1 |
B3624.G51 B4
L'esprit, la verite, et l'histoire / |
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